Cold seeps in
Warnings for Grief and off-screen parental death
Instadrabbling session 18.01.2025
Prompt: A thousand feet of snow over my heart, Midwinter Potluck Bingo
Thranduil's spouse has died. The family grieves.
Rated: Teen
Their lives have been marked by losses. Friends, family, all taken by the ever-growing darkness in the forest. But this might prove to be too much for his father. The loss of his lover seems to have set Thranduil adrift in snowstorm, his heart and mind becoming colder each day.
They do their best to stay strong, for their younger siblings who lost a parent, for their people who lost a beloved ruler, but Beriathal struggles. No matter how hard they try, it they can barely chip away at the icy wall around their father.
Eryn Lasgalen has never felt so cold.
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