Cross-overs Are Harder Than They Look by oshun

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Fanwork Notes

Funniest Feanorians

Fanwork Information


SWG 5th Birthday Theme: Perfect Matches: Whether humorous or serious, this theme is for cross-overs of all sorts. Fingon tries to write fanfiction and Maedhros tries to help him. (Cross-over of The Silmarillion with Ellen Kushner's Swordspoint, Disney classics, fairy tales, and BBC's Merlin.)

Thanks to IgnobleBard for reading the first draft (the one and only actually--you put up with a lot from me!).

Major Characters: Fingon, Maedhros

Major Relationships:

Genre: Crossover, Humor

Challenges: Fifth Birthday Celebration

Rating: General


This fanwork belongs to the series

Chapters: 1 Word Count: 897
Posted on 22 August 2010 Updated on 22 August 2010

This fanwork is complete.

Comments on Cross-overs Are Harder Than They Look

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Oh oshun, what a twist! The thought of Fingon writing fanfiction and almost smashing Maedhros' laptop in the process is just priceless, what a flip of real life... I thought you would never mention Arthur and Merlin, you kept them till last! I had to LOL and giggle several times, but Galadriel and the Seven Dwarves and Fingon's testicles in peril just sent me into hysterics. Thanks for a good laugh.

I'm a self-deprecating PC-user myself. And, in case you hadn't picked up on it yet, Fingon is my alter-ego--more courage than brains. That is a round-about answer to your question: of course Feanorians prefer Macs!

Thanks so much for reading and commenting. I am glad it made you laugh.

I ought to be embarrassed, but I am not. It was a great time-waster when I should have been working. And has entertained people so far! Can't spit at that. (It is in my Elves in Manhattan canon! Which a la Jael is simply an extension of my earlier canon. Really, I ought to say it is at least slightly AU to those I guess or I will lose all of my tenuous credibility.)

Galadriel and the Seven Dwarves.  Now THAT would be a scream (and yes, I'd worry too if I was Fingon)!   That was hilarious, Oshun!  I always love it when you let the zany out because your wit is biting and spot on.  Heh...Minnie and Micky.  Now I'm going to see them wearing mouse ears when I look at them.  Thank you for sharing!  I bet it wasn't easy given how much you like to edit, but it came out great.  Sometimes it's best to just shut the censor up and post.

That story certainly must have painless because I completely forgot that I had written it. Alas, nobody remembers BBC Merlin now! Or maybe they do, but now that Colin Morgan has grown up his funny ears are far less noticeable. I still love the idea of Maedhros in reading glasses. Seriously! All crackfic aside, that is hot!

Thanks so much for reading it. And being kind about it also! Oh my.

Aragorn and Arwen as Mickey and Minnie and Faramir and Eowyn as Donald and Daisy?!


This wins the prize as the most bizarre and hilarious crossover ever!  I'm looking for humor and inspiration, and have hit the jackpot today...Now it's time to go back to real life for a few hours, or get nothing at all done around here.

Thanks for the laughs!