Guild of Scribes Discord Server Open to New Members

Guild of Scribes is a community of Tolkien fanfic writers who want to receive and give constructive feedback on their own and others' works in a supportive and safe space. The goal is for members to participate as both writers and reviewers/readers. As a writer, you set the parameters for the types of feedback you are looking for and as a reviewer, you sign up for the works based on your own areas of comfort and knowledge. Except for 'asynchronous review' (similar to beta but with the potential for more in-depth feedback from more people), each work receives its own private channel for review, open only to the author and the participants (3-5) who have signed up to review and comment on that particular work.

To keep the server small and manageable for now, we’re inviting members by request only. If you have any questions or want an invite please message @polutropos (she/they) or @Minubell on Discord, or @polutrope on Tumblr or