Second Lives, Second Chances by chrissystriped

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Chapter Two

“Welcome, welcome!”

Glorfindel shook Rog’s hand enthusiastically. He’d almost been ready to give up. For a month now he’d invited Rog every week to have dinner with him and his messenger had always returned with a polite refusal until now.

“I’m so glad you could find the time.”

Rog’s hand was warm and firm in his and Glorfindel tried very hard not to think of how it would feel on his skin. Seeing him again so unexpectedly had woken feelings in him he’d almost forgotten.

“Yes, thank you for inviting me”, Rog answered a little stiffly. “This is a nice spot of land, you have here.”

“It is, thank you. I’m glad I could get the estate back after my rebirth. Want to try the wine?”

He led Rog to a terrace overlooking the vineyard. It was bathed in sunlight at this time of day. Rog nodded and Glorfindel poured him a cup.

“It’s good wine”, Rog stated after taking a sip. “Worth the ride here.”

Glorfindel smiled wryly. “I hope, you didn’t think my invitations too annoying.” He’d hate if Rog had just come to get rid of an obligation. They sat down at the table and Glorfindel motioned for the servants to bring their meal. “But I really wanted to see you again.”


Rog gave him a suspicious look. Glorfindel tried hard to not be offended. Rog had always been wary of everyone and rebirth didn’t seem to have changed that.

“Because this new life is a second chance.” Glorfindel hoped Rog didn’t see the blush he felt on his cheeks. “We never were close in the old life, but I’d like us to be now.”

Rog cocked an eyebrow at him. “You are beating around the bush, my lord. Say what you mean.”

Glorfindel felt his face heat even more, Rog was seeing right through him. He straightened in his seat.

“Well then. I’m attracted to you. I have been in Gondolin and when I saw you again, I realised I am still.” That was putting it mildly, but he didn’t want to come out with the compete truth just right now. Let Rog think it was just physical attraction.

“You mean to tell me, you found my scarred face pretty?” Rog’s voice was flat and Glorfindel winced.

“That’s not… I did not intend to insult you. I was attracted to your kindness — towards Turgon, towards Idril, when they grieved for Elenwë and none of us knew what to do —; your courage; and yes, your body, too."

“You never let it show. I had no idea…”

“You always felt distant — unapproachable. I didn’t dare… I was afraid you’d react badly to my advances.”

Glorfindel’s heart skipped a beat when Rog reached out and touched his cheek with calloused fingers.

“I’d like to say, I would have accepted them gracefully. But in truth, I might have considered it a cruel joke by people who didn’t think I belonged with them.”

“I never thought that!”, Glorfindel protested.

He’d been surprised when Turgon had come back with Rog after one of his lonely walks in the lands around Lake Mithrim, but he had quickly realised that for all the differences between them, Rog was a highly competent leader.

“Maybe not. You’ve always been so nice.”

Rog’s fingers still caressed his jawline and Glorfindel thought that a good sign. The touch was sending pleasant shivers down his spine.

“Anyway, I believe you now. What is it you wish, golden boy?”

Rog’s tone was slightly mocking, but it held no sting and Glorfindel felt heat starting to pool in his belly. He also was acutely aware of the servers.

“I’ll tell you, once we are alone”, he croaked.

“Bashful?”, Rog said with a twinkle in his eyes. “As you wish.”

He stroked Glorfindel’s earlobe with a fingertip and the fire in Glorfindel’s belly flared up. They finished dinner quickly.


Rog sank into a comfortable chair beside the fire that burned merrily in the hearth. He felt Glorfindel’s eyes on him and looked up.

“We are alone now”, he stated with a smile.

If anyone had so much as hinted that the Lord of the Golden Flower wanted him, he’d have laughed heartily or thought himself mocked — depending on the person telling him. He’d appreciated Glorfindel's looks, true, but he’d never dreamed that there could come more of it, if he’d just acted a little less reserved towards him. Maybe Glorfindel was right, this second life indeed held some second chances.

Glorfindel took his hand, stroking his knuckles. “Allow me to court you.”

Rog chuckled. “I’m no blushing maiden you need to court to get her in your bed.”

Glorfindel’s cheeks took on a rosy hue.

“But maybe you are, hm?”, Rog teased gently. He knew he often came across as scathing and usually he didn’t care, but right now he didn’t want the words to sting. Then another thought crossed his mind. “You are not married…”

“I am not”, Glorfindel whispered.


Glorfindel’s throat moved as he gulped. “Because I did not dare to approach the one I had set my eyes on.”

Rog squeezed Glorfindel’s hand. He didn’t know what to say. He’d thought this were simply about sex. That it was far more serious for Glorfindel felt a little overwhelming. It touched his heart, no one had ever wanted him like that, but it also frightened him. He liked his solitude, he liked to live in the forest with no obligations toward anyone. He did not wish to be caught in the Laws and Customs of the Noldor. Glorfindel let go of his hand, looking down.

“I see, you don’t feel the same way. I’m sorry to have inconvenienced you.”

“Glorfindel, that’s not…” Rog took a deep breath. “I’m not a Noldo, your customs are different from my people’s. I would allow you to court me, but you need to know that I will never again live in a city. The forest is my home and I won’t give it or my freedom up.”

“I do not ask you to.” Glorfindel looked more hopeful again. “I won’t try to force you into a shape. We don’t have to rush anything, either. We are elves and this is the Blessed Realm. If you’d just tell me I can still hope…”

Rog bit his lip. His heart was racing with fear of being caught in a cage. But Glorfindel’s eyes were honest and  how could it hurt him to allow it? Glorfindel was right, they had all the time in the world. He could always change his mind. Rog led Glorfindel’s hand to his lips.

“I allow it.”

The way Glorfindel’s face lit up at his words made him feel warm.

“Will you tell me about the customs of the Kwendi then?”, Glorfindel said. “I’d like to understand you better.”

Rog felt a smile tug at his lips. So rarely had the Noldor cared to acknowledge their differences and just expected everyone to adjust to them — at least in Gondolin, where they were the vast majority. He’d heard it had been different in other places. Rog kept Glorfindel’s hand in his as he leaned back.

“For one, we don’t equal sex with marriage — or think of marriage as something that binds two people together for all eternity. We don’t make promises of that kind, too much can change in a life that is eternal and our dead usually don't come back. It is quite normal for us to have more than one partner in the course of our life. If the union is graced with a child, the parents usually stay together until the child is grown up — well, that’s not something we have to consider, is it?”

Glorfindel laughed at his wink. “No, indeed.” He hesitated, his face becoming serious. “Do you have children?”

“No.” Rog shook his head. “I enjoy the company of men above women and I never desired children.”

“I sometimes wondered how it would be to have a child of my own when I saw all the other couples being so happy, but… I never desired women. I’m not a blushing maiden, by the way. I’ve had partners, though… uhm, penetration is where I’d draw the line. That is, indeed, part of a marriage — a permanent partnership — for me.”

“I can accept that.” Rog led Glorfindel’s hand to his lips. “There are lots of other things we can do in bed.” Glorfindel sucked in his breath and blushed again. Rog hid a grin, he found he liked making him blush. “If that is allowed.”

“It is.” Glorfindel leaned forward and kissed him. “It is very much.”


Glorfindel savoured the kiss. Rog was allowing him, if reluctantly, to court him and now he was kissing him. It was more than he’d hoped for. He was glad Rog had seen right through him, otherwise he wouldn’t have had the courage to confess his feelings even now. He shuddered when Rog’s hand slid up his neck into his hair, his thumb rubbing a circle behind his ear.

“Let me show you my bedroom”, he whispered breathlessly.

As he led him up the stairs, Glorfindel realised: “Rog, I don’t even know your given name…”

He felt Rog halt in his step. “I haven’t told anyone my given name for a very long time. Would you mind, if I remain Rog for you a while longer?”

Glorfindel felt a stab of disappointment, but he smiled and said: “It’s alright.”

He reminded himself that Rog was an intensely private person. He would tell him, when and if he wanted to. Glorfindel opened the door to his bedroom.

“Come in, Rog.”

Rog embraced him, giving him a heated kiss, before he whispered against his lips: “So, I’ll ask again: What is it you wish?”

“Your hands… on my body”, Glorfindel croaked. Pleasure thrummed through his body.

“That’s a good start.”

Rog grinned at him and slid his hands under the rim of his tunic and up his sides. Glorfindel reached for the buttons of Rog’s shirt, slowly opening them and pressing kisses on the freed skin, while Rog’s hands roamed over his back.

Rog was shorter than him, but he had the build of a smith while Glorfindel would freely admit that he didn’t yet have his old muscle mass back. Death had left him lean and almost clumsy with weapons. People told him he had no need of that here, but he felt better training his skill, knowing he could still take on an enemy, sword in hand, should he need to.

Glorfindel let his hands slide over muscled shoulders and arms while his lips teased one nipple into hardness. Rog hummed appreciatively and tugged on Glorfindel’s shirt. He lifted his arms to allow him to pull it over his head. Rog tossed it aside unceremoniously before gripping his hair — Glorfindel’s heart skipped a beat, but he pulled himself together —  to drag him down for a heated kiss.

“You are too tall”, he growled when they parted, panting.

“I’m sorry.” Glorfindel grinned, his head feeling light. “I could lie down and remedy that, I suppose?”

He slowly walked backwards, loosening the ties of his trousers and pushing them down before stretching out on his bed. Rog’s eyes strayed to his obvious arousal and Glorfindel let his own hand slide down to wrap his hand around himself.

“Come to me, lover?”, he asked. Anticipation made his heart thunder.

Rog relieved himself quickly of his own trousers and knelt beside him on the bed.

“Golden everywhere”, he said, pushing Glorfindel’s hand aside.

His fingers slid through the blond hair around Glorfindel’s cock. So close… Glorfindel held his breath. He stifled a whimper when Rog’s hand vanished, but he hardly had time to be disappointed. Rog straddled him and moved his hips so their erections met. Glorfindel moaned loudly and arched his back. Rog’s hands slid up his chest, nails scratching lightly at his nipples, before he bowed forward to kiss him again.

Glorfindel met his motions, the two of them soon finding a rhythm that built and built and built, their pre-cum slicking their skin, until Glorfindel came, moaning and clinging to Rog. Rog shuddered, his thrusts jerky as he came too, his warm seed spilling over Glorfindel’s belly and mixing with his own.


Glorfindel shivered, sweat drying on his skin.

“Want to take a bath?”, he asked. “There’s a pool in the cellar, the water gets heated by the kitchen oven.”

Rog stretched with a groan. “Hmm, a bath would be nice before I leave. Yes.”

“Leave?”, Glorfindel sat up to stare at him. “I hoped you’d stay the night…”

“I can’t.”

Glorfindel saw Rog’s face harden and realised he’d somehow overstepped. He didn’t probe. Whatever it was, he was sure Rog wouldn’t tell him now. He hoped Rog would open up to him in time. He’d accept his peculiarities — he hoped he wouldn’t leave him guessing forever.

“Alright. But you’ll take a bath with me before you leave? I’ll lend you a horse so you can get home quicker.”

It hadn’t escaped Glorfindel that Rog had arrived on foot. It wasn’t as far as he’d initially thought, only a few hours’ ride but on foot it likely took closer to a day.

“Thank you. Both bath and horse would be very welcome.”

Rog kissed his lips gently, the hardness from before had left his eyes again. Glorfindel stood and pulled Rog with him.

“Come, I’ll lend you a bathrobe.”

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