Bonfires by Lferion
Fanwork Notes
Written for the SWG May Vintage Challenge.
Many, many thanks to Zhie and Runa for encouragement, idea bouncing, and sanity checking.
Also found on AO3 here
Fanwork Information
Summary: Maglor in the round world, near future, still defying the forces of darkness. Major Characters: Original Character(s), Maglor Major Relationships: Genre: Fixed-Length Ficlet, General, Poetry, Science Fiction Challenges: Vintage Rating: General Warnings: This fanwork belongs to the series |
Chapters: 7 | Word Count: 1, 931 |
Posted on 14 June 2022 | Updated on 14 June 2022 |
This fanwork is complete. |
A song -- a Song -- of defiance
A poem and a double drabble
Prompts -
-- Tolkien Short Fanwork May prompts Bonfire and Songs of defiance.
-- Vintage: Lit:I1 Dark & Stormy, Art:B4 Engraving/etching, Poetry: N1 Aubade, Fanwork:B1 Apocafic
Read Vanities
*** *** ***
Burning books has never stopped ideas
Burning dissidents has never stopped dissent
Burning pestilence has never stopped the plague
It only spreads
Smoke goes where it will, borne on the wind
Gets in eyes and ears, in mouths and minds
And issues forth again, all the more incendiary
Never less
*** *** ***
In the rain-wet darkness, Maglor considered the roughly scratched words around the base of the statue of a stern-visaged figure in formal Judgement robes, presiding over a bonfire of so-called vanities. Proscribed books, forbidden relationships, wicked substances, tools, behaviors, ideas. The figure resembled Namo, but only in the shadow of form, not in substance.
The words were much more important. There was defiance, creativity, even hope in those verses, the beats in the lines. This darkness too would pass, (no telling how long it would take, how much travail would be involved). A tune for the words, though. That would help (had helped before, would be effective again) to carry the defiance, the resolve, the hope as a voice on the wind, getting everywhere, subtle and insidious, smoke signals, everywhere, nowhere, infectious, ubiquitous, intangible, impossible truth, hope, life.
He set to work. It would be in the Song by morning.
*** *** ***
Synthesis and intersection, a drabble
Prompts - Lit:B5 Scientifiction, Art:O4 Silhouette Portrait, Poetry:G3 Elegy , Fanwork:I5 Magical Healing Elves
Read Elegy
*** *** ***
Aurë Entuluva — day would come, if he had to rouse Tilion from his bed himself, and Arien with him, sing the near-space into incandescence. Call on Earendil and Venus both to light a way. Light strong enough to cast shadows, to throw the problem -- the edges, the silhouette, the emergent shape, not the whole by any means -- into relief. Into something that could be clearly, inescapably seen.
That statue was a symptom as much as a statement, the acid-etched defying verse a still-fighting immune system. Though why he was thinking in medical metaphors was a question. Healing, though; healing and light made sense. Not an elegy, this, though the intermittent rain was warm as tears.
*** *** ***
Black Figures on Red Ground, Alight.
A red-black image, a six-word story, a sestina.
Prompts - Lit:G2 6-word story, Art:G2 Black Figure Pottery, Poetry:G1 Sestina, Fanwork:N5 Songfic
Read Black Figures on Red Ground, Alight.
*** *** ***
Oh songs that tell of heroes, bright on black
Of prowess sing, the lofty deeds of figures
Terrible and tall, fell eyed, fighting on
Against the foe where battlefields run red
And gods themselves do hold the weary ground
Where stars come down to set the land alight
Such music sets the fading fëa alight
Rekindles hope, cleaves Shadow from the black
Of unstarred space, of rent, unhallowed ground
Where dust draws doom in characters and figures
Found in the nightmare fuel of white stained red,
And flesh renews with strength to carry on
From heights and depths of time the notes ring on
The words resound, lamps darkened spring alight
The clarion now calls neath banner red
A foe to match Ancalagon the Black
Wings to winnow winds, make deadly figures
Mar the world again; as in mortar ground
The blade, the song, the will, We hold this ground
Iron, dust or construct still spinning on
Defiance and defense in hidden figures
Working in plain view, fired coals alight
We heat the beaten mettle ashen black
Forge to renewed purpose, burning red
Are we gnomes or monsters, our hands too red
For other purpose than be finely ground
Encased in clay, fused, fired, brittle black
Aimed and cursed by others, to fall upon
No target of our choosing, all alight?
No such song sing: choose other figures
The song that shapes the world would learn these figures
Would know both blood and sunrise, gleaming red
Rise up on wings of fire, then alight
To comfort and defend those on the ground
The battle-tossed, the scorned and turned-upon
Make of dark a solace, set stars on black.
Cold clay painted black, complicated figures
In story carry on stern and stark on red
This the new-old ground, Song sets the world alight
*** *** ***
Epigram, Memory
Maglor remembers - in the midst of an epigram, a drabble
Prompts - L:I3 Flashback, A:N1 Pointillism , P:O3 Epigram , F:N1 5-things
Read Epigram, Memory
*** *** ***
Collect the songs together
Scatter them apart
Notations on the wall
Remind us all of art
That very dart
*** *** ***
Maglor remembered. Remembered how the points of light - gold, white, red, blue, green, every color, from every kind of lamp, candle, glowstone, torch and lantern - heaved and roiled, flickered and dimmed before brightening again, ran together, stirred, smeared: cloud-pictures on the long dark shore of Araman. He remembered the railing under his fingers as he realized order, shape, geometry was emerging from inchoate, abstract instances. Companies and groups stitched with messengers, edged with scouts and hunters. The beginnings of the wagon-units that would let them cross the Ice laid out like the schema of a tapestry, warp, weft, shuttle, beater.
*** *** ***
Weapon-words we gather
Shining in the song
Conquer we would Darkness
Let light return with dawn
We carry on
*** *** ***
Caxton's Legacy: A Voice
With a printing press and a set of type, all sorts of things may be communicated.
A triple drabble and two verses of a broadside ballad
Prompts -
-- Fan Flashworks, Type - posted here
-- L:G4 Masked Vigilante, A:O5 Woodcut, P:I4 Broadside Ballad, F:B3 Together, they fight crime!
Read Caxton's Legacy: A Voice
*** *** ***
Someone had found plans and operating instructions for a simple broadsheet printing press. With the folio, hidden in the shadow behind the shelf-stack was a small and very battered press, and a box which, wonder of wonders, contained a set of type. The fiercely dedicated group that had coalesced around Maglor set about repairing the thing, learning everything they could about using it, what it needed to work properly. There had been no need at all to tell them how important communication, dissemination of information was. They knew what would happen if they were found with the thing, and it only made them more determined. Edain were like that. They always had been.
For them, the crime was not in teaching, speaking, reading, learning things outside the narrow bounds of permitted ideas, authorized material, it was in enforcing ignorance and error, misinformation and fear. They had a weapon with which to fight back, and they were going to use it.
They sang as they worked, bits and snatches of forbidden pieces interspersed with 'proper' songs with altered words, interpretations that changed the meaning entirely, and like a round, a canon, a thread stitching everything together, the song that started this particular resistance and revolt. The words around the statue, the tune he had written for them.
Maglor sang to the block of wood in his lap as he carefully carved what would be the header image and title of the first broadsheet they planned to print. Virtue and voice to the wood, to the image, to the words that would accompany it. The ballad that was already assembling itself in his head. They had a toe-hold, and a core of highly motivated people, carefully dispersed, they had him, who had done this before, and soon they would have a voice.
*** *** ***
Oh Virtue went barefaced and bold
About the town with purpose stern
Each transgressor young or old
Was marked for judgement: brand or burn
Mercy, masked, did quiet tread
Behind the rule-man, mead in hand
Removing marks that flowered red
Saving some from cruel remand
*** *** ***
Under Siege
What to do, waiting in a bunker - a quintuple drabble and a poem
Prompts - L:N4 Sketch Comedy, A:O1 Dadaism, P:O5 Dadaist Poetry, F:N4 Spoof
This chapter in particular is influenced and inspired by the ingenuity, persistence, and determination of the people of Ukraine.
Read Under Siege
<p>*** *** ***</p>
<p>The printing press was silent, the room quiet -- the reinforced sub-basement below the library stacks -- lit only by the single small glowstone Maglor had made on a whim one sunny afternoon, when it seemed things were not so dire. There were fifteen or so of the regular group, and three who, well, they were certainly part of the group now. No one was leaving this shelter until the firestorm -- metaphorical, literal, existential, whatever it proved to be -- had died down. </p>
<p>They had known they were fighting a war, but it had been small before, words, grafitti, visual bursts of sense in nonsense, found things assembled into meaning, appearing and disappearing, broadsides, posters, flyers. Resistance in small numbers, arrests in ones and twos. </p>
<p>(Executions, a handful over the span of time they had been fighting back; but that wasn't different from before. What was different was the secrecy, the not knowing. The pyres and the hangings had always been public. Maglor was disturbingly reminded of Angband's tactics: were the taken dead? Enthralled? Turned? No safe way to know.)</p>
<p>They'd been warned something was coming. That they'd need a shelter: sturdy, sufficiently large, as well supplied as they could make it. Now, they waited. Maglor was trying to think of something they could do without making a lot of noise or drawing more than a trickle of power when one of the taller students stood up, barely missing the low beam. "We should do a round or two of "Pick, Pass, or Play' only no passing, and the first round everyone should do *something*. "Something cheerful, maybe; make people laugh." </p>
<p>Another student did laugh, "What, like sketch comedy? Because not many of us are standing up in here," she looked pointedly at the low ceiling and lower beams. Nearly everyone chuckled. She went on with more word-play, then handed the metaphorical stage to the person next to her. Silently, they scooted the glowstone closer, and began to make cat's cradle figures of increasing complexity.</p>
<p>What an excellent idea, Maglor thought, and wondered why it hadn't occurred to him. He must be getting old. But not so old he could not make use of the energy and fragments of Song to spin better wards. Fool the searchers (there were always searchers) into chasing figments, convince them the building was empty, not worth searching. He began to hum, more thought then sound, weaving in the wordplay, the threadwork, elements from every offering.</p>
<p>One of the new people was sitting next to him, doing something with a thick book, pencil, and paper. When the turn reached them, she closed the book on her crossed legs and took a deep breath, "The last class I was in, before they shut everything down and declared public education anathema, was art history. We had just reached the first third of the 20th Century, and all the different ways people were doing art, poetry, dance, everything. So, this is a dadaist poem I just made. Hopefully it says something.</p>
<p>*** *** ***</p>
<p>--A Tirade About Our World--</p>
<p>Must last, opens ouch<br />
Giant for gleeful one<br />
Hits hard on earth.</p>
<p>Sleeping slowly one brother<br />
Canal she sang, wise<br />
Ritual was greased greyly.</p>
<p>Shape cover the nerve<br />
Hollow cheeks watching you</p>
<p>Light putrid the waste<br />
Whispers no glorious journey,<br />
Shady room, charm etc.</p>
<p>Trunk wrong busy across<br />
We please your boy!<br />
Realize they swell too</p>
<p>Over the finger twine<br />
Before sweet wind dies</p>
<p>*** *** ***</p>
The Color of Song
Hope matters
A drabble, a poem
Prompts - L:N5 Dream within a Dream, A:B1 Medieval Color Palette, P:B1 Alliterative Verse, F:I4 Character X falls into modern world
The poem is in part derived from Exhortation of Light (Fiat Lux)
Read The Color of Song
*** *** ***
Maglor had lived for a very long time, a time traveler who took the long way through, then to now. Now to further nows. Nested nows and thens like nested dreams, thin layers of bright colors building up, heraldic pigments, like and unlike the kind of heraldry in unfathomably distant Valinor, drowned Beleriand, Ennor preserved in tales. Fingolfinian blue, Arafinwean green, Feanorian red, faded to rose, mingled Treelight, sun-gold, silver moon. Color was as much Song as music.
So little color now, so little song, so little hope. But little was not none. Life endured, love endured, and would prevail.
*** *** ***
Rise, rise, writers and readers
History and hope you hold in your hands
Will the world end thus?
Stand, stand, scholars and speakers
Terror and truth trumpet on tongues
Will the world end here?
Hard, hard, hammer at horror
Lively and loud does laughter uplift
Will the world end now?
Sing, sing, sculptors and strivers
Artistry ever engages the eye
Will and word will win
In secret, in splendor
In silence, in shouting
In striving, in stillness
In sacrifice, surviving
We shall not cease speaking
We shall not cease seeking
We shall not cease singing
Nor let darkness take all
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