Bonfires by Lferion

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Fanwork Notes

Written for the SWG May Vintage Challenge.

Many, many thanks to Zhie and Runa for encouragement, idea bouncing, and sanity checking.

Also found on AO3 here

Fanwork Information


Maglor in the round world, near future, still defying the forces of darkness.

Major Characters: Original Character(s), Maglor

Major Relationships:

Genre: Fixed-Length Ficlet, General, Poetry, Science Fiction

Challenges: Vintage

Rating: General


This fanwork belongs to the series

Chapters: 7 Word Count: 1, 931
Posted on 14 June 2022 Updated on 14 June 2022

This fanwork is complete.

Show all chapters on a single page

Table of Contents

A song -- a Song -- of defiance
A poem and a double drabble


Prompts -
-- Tolkien Short Fanwork May prompts Bonfire and Songs of defiance.
-- Vintage: Lit:I1 Dark & Stormy, Art:B4 Engraving/etching, Poetry: N1 Aubade, Fanwork:B1 Apocafic

Synthesis and intersection, a drabble


Prompts - Lit:B5 Scientifiction, Art:O4 Silhouette Portrait, Poetry:G3 Elegy , Fanwork:I5 Magical Healing Elves

A red-black image, a six-word story, a sestina.


Prompts - Lit:G2 6-word story, Art:G2 Black Figure Pottery, Poetry:G1 Sestina, Fanwork:N5 Songfic

Maglor remembers - in the midst of an epigram, a drabble


Prompts - L:I3 Flashback, A:N1 Pointillism , P:O3 Epigram , F:N1 5-things

With a printing press and a set of type, all sorts of things may be communicated.
A triple drabble and two verses of a broadside ballad


Prompts -
-- Fan Flashworks, Type - posted here
-- L:G4 Masked Vigilante, A:O5 Woodcut, P:I4 Broadside Ballad, F:B3 Together, they fight crime!

What to do, waiting in a bunker - a quintuple drabble and a poem


Prompts - L:N4 Sketch Comedy, A:O1 Dadaism, P:O5 Dadaist Poetry, F:N4 Spoof

This chapter in particular is influenced and inspired by the ingenuity, persistence, and determination of the people of Ukraine.

Hope matters

A drabble, a poem


Prompts - L:N5 Dream within a Dream, A:B1 Medieval Color Palette, P:B1 Alliterative Verse, F:I4 Character X falls into modern world 

The poem is in part derived from Exhortation of Light (Fiat Lux)

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