The Nargothrond Cordial by jamcake_muses
Fanwork Notes
Inspired by Bubble, Bubble, Toil and Trouble by Raiyana
Fanwork Information
Summary: A recipe from Finrod's cookbook "From the Pans of Beleriand". Major Characters: Finrod Felagund Major Relationships: Challenges: Also Appearing Rating: Teens Warnings: Check Notes for Warnings |
Chapters: 1 | Word Count: 428 |
Posted on 23 June 2022 | Updated on 23 June 2022 |
This fanwork is complete. |
The Nargothrond Cordial
Don't try this at home, kids!
Read The Nargothrond Cordial
The winters in Beleriand are harsh. The cold borrows into the bones and only departs with the coming the first spring dawn. My cousin, Curufin was kind enough to attempt to brew the famous Formenos Warmer. It is hard to recreate the exact recipe since many of the essential herbs do not grow in Beleriand. It was certainly not…perfect. Celegorm and I are told we had an impossible and reckless adventure after drinking the Warmer which landed us in the healing rooms for a few weeks.
It would take more than that to discourage us. I am pleased to tell you, after many attempts, I have recreated a brew, relatively harmless but a potent warmer, when weakly brewed.
In our many attempts to perfect it, we have discovered many uses for the tonic when brewed to various strengths. From personal and rather disastrous experiences, I would only recommend the weaker brews for regular use.
The mildest form of the brew which is the recipe I have written below, serves as a warming tonic. At its strongest the effects are quite formidable. It allows one to perform feats otherwise impossible, and frankly a danger to oneself. I caution against consuming anything stronger than this recipe except under dire circumstances, like for whatever reason, you need to fight wolves five times your size with your bare hands.
The recipe is vegan, gluten, soy, and nut-free.
The Nargothrond Cordial
Prep time: 20 minutes | Brewing time: 30 minutes | Total time: 50 minutes
Servings: 2
(Note: Doubling the amount of the ingredients will not yield more servings and will affect the strength of the brew)
- 250 ml of strongly brewed tea
- 100 ml of brandy
- 8 grams of juniper berries
- 2 pods of raw cocoa, finely chopped *
- 22 grams of ephedra seeds *
- 2-3 tyuclamia leaves, crushed (not chopped) *
- 7 grams of dried wood rose
- 60 grams of honey (for sweetening)
- Lemon wedge for garnish
- In a cauldron, bring the tea to boil and add the brandy. Let it simmer for about 4 minutes.
- Add the honey, raw cocoa and stir until smooth.
- Add the tyuclamia leaves, dried wood rose, and juniper berries and let it simmer for 6 minutes with constant stirring.
- Finally, stir in the ephedra juice and let it simmer for 2o minutes.
- Strain the brew, pour into cups. Garnish with lemon and enjoy.
*See appendix for origin, properties, growth and care details for these plants.
Note: For stronger brews, vary the amounts of dried wood rose, tyuclamia, and ephedra, and let it simmer for longer. Add a splash of milk to dilute the strength. Water does not effect the strength.
Chapter End Notes
tyuclamia - is my clumsy attempt to say "chewing leaves", equivalent to Khat leaves.
Hahaha this is so clever. I…
Hahaha this is so clever. I can definitely imagine Finrod writing recipes too.
"... like for whatever reason, you need to fight wolves five times your size with your bare hands."
Lmao. So that's how he did it!
This is a genre of fic I never knew I needed.
MWAAHAHHAA yes, Finrod, the…
yes, Finrod, the difference between fucking around and science is writing it down xD
I did not know that recipe…
I did not know that recipe fic was a thing, but this was hilarious! I really enjoyed Finrod's tone in this fic. He's so innovative. Must check out the fic that was the inspiration for this one as well.
Celegorm and I are told we…
? ehem... now where is *this* story? lol *winks outrageously*
Oh gosh this was delightful! I love that Curufin is somewhat ... dodgy as a drink maker. Not that it didn't work, but that you have to be just a little bit insane to try it LOL
I love how this kinda fits my own HC of Nargothrond having an abundance - far more than the northern realms - giving Curufin the ample resources to experiment with. ?
This is such a fun idea. I…
This is such a fun idea. I love the "fighting five wolves" bit, and Finrod's cheerful warnings not to overdo it with the recipe - this is truly a recipe for disaster xD
Splendid!Of course I will…
Of course I will only ever try this at home if I need to fight some werewolves with my teeth!
oh the joys of experimental…
oh the joys of experimental cooking
though it appears that my experiments are usually a lot tamer, shall we say, then Finrod's are.
Love the tone, you can just see him writing an entire series of cookbooks exploring Beleriandrim cuisine
I hope Frodo, Sam and Bilbo will get the chance to read it one day. I think they would enjoy it
So this is the safe version…
So this is the safe version of the drink that led to their adventures? Nice!