Prehistory of the Eldar by Lyra
Fanwork Notes
Fanwork Information
Description: A collection of illustrations about Elves in their pre-Aman days. Major Characters: Elves, Oromë Major Relationships: Genre: Type: Illustration Challenges: B2MeM 2016, Love Actually Rating: General Warnings: This fanwork belongs to the series |
Posted on 17 July 2022 | Updated on 17 July 2022 |
The Vanyar Hunt The Woolly Mammoth
Inspired by Elleth's fic The Beautiful Ones, which tells the story of Indis and her lover's life in Cuiviénen before Oromë changed Elven culture forever. At one point, the characters hint at a mammoth hunt that's planned for the near future. Although it hasn't yet been written, I found the mere idea irresistible. Spear-Elves in action! The primeval forests around Cuiviénen! A mammoth! So there you go...
It has since been brought to my attention that mammoths did not in fact live in forests, but I'm sure we can imagine that the Elves drove the poor beast from its native plain into the big scary forest to make it disoriented and easier to kill. You've got to be wily when hunting something that's so massively oversized....
(No, Tolkien doesn't actually say whether the prehistoric Quendi ever met mammoths. But he does mention beasts of tusk and horn and brute strength walking the woods around Cuiviénen, so there may as well have been mammoths!)

Oromë among the Quendi
Oromë loved the lands of Middle-earth, and he left them unwillingly and came last to Valinor; and often of old he passed back east over the mountains and returned with his host to the hills and the plains. ~ Valaquenta
Oromë is trying hard to fit in, but he can’t quite turn down the light. I have also decided that he can’t entirely down-size his hroä. A lot of being needs a lot of space. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Most of the Elves are just random NPCs, but there are a couple of named characters (supposed to be) among them: Míriel, Finwë, Indis, Ingwë, Mahtan, Morwë, Nurwë, Olwë and Elwë, as well as Elleth's OC Kalrê. Possibly Círdan, as yet young and unbearded, too! The rest of them are whoever you want them to be.

Stories in the Mud
Gentle warning for non-sexual nudity of the breastfeeding kind.
Inspired by Dawn Felagund's fanfic Reembodied.
I kept carving Tatië's stories into the mud with a fallen branch, and soon, she appeared to watch me. The infant suckled eagerly, draped in the crook of one arm. Around her throat and wrists were adornments, and when I exclaimed over them, she came to show me how some of our people had mastered piercing wooden bits and even rock and stringing them upon fibers made of plants. She asked not after my art, for perhaps she didn't even realize what it was, and the lake took it in short time anyway. ~ Tata
Reembodied is a wonderful story that puts a new spin on the Cuiviénen story of Tatië and the other Unbegotten. In this scene, Tata has returned from some time spent alone with Rúmil during which he learned the letters Rúmil invented. Tatië and Baby Finwë watch as he writes in the mud by the lakeside.

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