Sauron vs Finrod in Eregion by elennalore
Fanwork Notes
My entry for the monthly challenge Zingers. Prompt: I would prefer a battle of wits, but you appear unarmed. (The quote has conflicting attributions so no clear credit.) A drabble (100 words) and an accompanying art. Also my entry for Silvergifting Week.
Fanwork Information
Summary: The Gwaith-i-Mírdain turn a famous duel into a stage play. Major Characters: Celebrimbor, Sauron Major Relationships: Celebrimbor/Sauron Genre: Fixed-Length Ficlet Challenges: Zingers Rating: General Warnings: |
Posted on 10 August 2022 | Updated on 10 August 2022 |
This fanwork is complete. |
Omg, this is such a galaxy…
Omg, this is such a galaxy brain idea I love it! The art too - Celebrimbor's smug expression is the best xD What a trip that must have been for Annatar.
Heheh, thank you so much!…
Heheh, thank you so much! Celebrimbor enjoys this so much. If only he knew... Annatar doesn't enjoy it as much, but he does it because he cannot say no to Tyelpë.
I love the art! (Not that…
I love the art! (Not that the drabble is not lovely, but the art is eye-catching!)
There are levels to Celebrimbor playing Sauron while Sauron plays Finrod...
Oh, thank you so much! There…
Oh, thank you so much! There are indeed many levels involved here.
Oh that's brilliant! Well executed and well illustrated ?
Thank you, I'm happy you…
Thank you, I'm happy you liked it!
Never mind Annatar collapsing in howls of laughter, I totally cracked up! This is hilarious! And completely out of left field! I love the drabble, and your art is just classic — it looks like you caught Annatar in the brief fraction of a second where he's struggling to contain himself before he gives up and loses it completely.
I'm happy that you found…
I'm happy that you found this hilarious, I had so much fun working with it! Yes, the art describes probably just that moment. Thank you!
Such an awesome idea! I love…
Such an awesome idea! I love how we can appreciate the irony of this, knowing who Annatar really is.
Heheh, thank you! I'm happy…
Heheh, thank you! I'm happy you liked it.