Restoration & Rebuilding Drabbles by Grundy

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Give It Another Try (Elrond, Elrohir)

Prompt: Pick Yourself Up by Nat King Cole (

Elrond did not allow himself to melt at the sight of Elrohir’s wobbling lip and teary eyes.

“I can’t, Ada! I’ll never get up there!”

“Of course you can, dear one,” he reassured his son, setting him back on his feet, and brushing dirt and stray leaves from his back. “It only seems impossible because you have not yet mastered the art.”

Elrohir gave him the most dubious look he had ever seen on a five-year-old.

“Would you like to try that tree again? Perhaps I will join you this time?”

“Okay,” Elrohir said grudgingly. “But only if you help.”

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