Restoration & Rebuilding Drabbles by Grundy

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Space To Fill (Anorië & Elendil)

Prompt: When the storm has passed, put your energy into rebuilding your life. Don’t waste time looking back. - Leon Brown

Anorië looked around the room. It wasn’t much, but it was a start.

“Royal Library” sounded so hollow applied to a few shelves, not enough books to fill them, and a single worktable. It was nothing compared to Armenelos.

Nor was she the only one who thought so, judging by the look on her father’s face as he entered.

“It is early days yet,” she told him firmly.

A look of shame flitted across his face before Elendil nodded and forced a smile.

“You have the right of it, brave one,” he replied. “We must look forward now, not back.”

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