Lúthien Before Morgoth's Throne by cuarthol, owly
Fanwork Notes
The text was translated into Ancient Egyptian and the correct hieroglyphs provided by Owly, including the names using as close as possible to their meaning.
Fanwork Information
Description: My contribution to the Tolkien Reverse Summer Bang artwork in an Ancient Egyptian style
Major Characters: Beren, Lúthien Tinúviel, Melkor Major Relationships: Beren/Luthien Genre: General Type: Drawing/Painting Challenges: Rating: General Warnings: |
Posted on 27 August 2022 | Updated on 23 October 2022 |
Lúthien Before Morgoth's Throne
Read hieroglyphs top to bottom, left to right:
first column: (Lúthien)| daughter of
second column: (Elu Thingol)|
third column: (Beren)| son of
fourth column: (Barahir)| Morgoth
fifth column: the wanker he stinks
sixth column: cuarthol
seventh column: owly
Lúthien was translated as Daughter of Flowers
Elu Thingol was translated as Starman Moon Cloak
Beren was translated as The Brave
Barahir was translated as Fiery Lord
Morgoth was translated as Black Enemy - no cartouche for Morgoth! >:( (<- Owly said that one lol)
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