"You are so beautiful when you scream, Maitimo." by chrissystriped

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"Please, punish me for my transgression.”

“I hope you didn’t think I would let your transgression slide, Maitimo. How dare you fall asleep while I make use of you?” Melkor said after he was back in his rooms and gripped the elf’s hair hard, pulling his head back.

“I’m sorry, herdir”, Maedhros answered with a tremble in his voice.

“Oh, you certainly will be sorry”, Melkor promised him. “Did you forget what is at stake? Should I have one of your men brought here to remind you, who is going to suffer for your defiantness?”

Maedhros paled, panic in his music. “No! Please, herdir, don’t. I didn’t mean to defy you! Please, punish me for my transgression.”

Melkor shuddered blissfully. “I enjoy it so much to hear you beg, Maitimo.”

Maedhros looked surprised when he took the shackles and collar off. He’d soon realise that he didn’t do it out of kindness, he needed Maedhros to have his hands free for the punishment he had thought up for him.

“Fetch me a strap and ask for your punishment.”

Maedhros obeyed as quickly as he could on his knees. Melkor felt something like relief from him and grinned. He would still make him regret falling asleep so much.

“I did wrong, herdir”, Maedhros said, offering Melkor the strap. “I was inattentive to my Master’s wishes. I beg you to punish me.”

Melkor took the strap and slapped it into his palm. He smiled when Maedhros winced at the sound.

“Kneel on the bed.”

Melkor enjoyed the sight of his seed on Maedhros’s skin for a moment. He'd fuck him again after the beating. He patted his ass, the skin covered in paling bruises.

“I never can resist your pretty ass”, he said and stroke out. Maedhros’s light skin soon turned bright red under his slaps and although Maedhros always tried to keep silent, he couldn’t keep himself from moaning for long as Melkor covered his backside in fresh welts.

Melkor felt the noises send waves of pleasure through his body and he wasn’t even at the real punishment, yet, Maedhros was in for a shock. Melkor stopped the beating and caressed the heated skin, feeling it throb under his palm.

“Let’s get to your punishment, Maitimo.”

Maedhros sobbed softly and Melkor smiled.

“You didn’t think this was it, did you? Spread your cheeks with your hands, slave.”

Maedhros whimpered when he put pressure on the abused skin to obey. Melkor slid his finger down his cleft.


He didn’t order him to count, Maedhros knew by now he had to. Melkor let the strap smack directly on the elf’s already reddened hole and Maedhros screamed, before choking out: “One.”

Melkor knew it would be more than fifteen. The slaps Maedhros didn’t name wouldn’t count. Maedhros howled and sobbed with every slap, his hands started to shake as the punishment continued, he obviously had difficulty to stay in position.

Melkor’s erection was almost painful when Maedhros finally counted the last slap, more a sob than a word. His agony was so arousing. It had been more than fifteen, more like thirty, and the punished skin was dark red, his hole quivered. Melkor shivered at the thought of how it would feel to thrust into that hot, punished entrance.

“Stay like this”, he snapped at him when Maedhros made to let go with his hands, and reached for the oil.

He hummed softly as he coated himself to ease his passage. Maedhros whimpered frightened when Melkor climbed on the bed and positioned himself. Melkor slowly slid inside. Savoured the sight of his cock stretching the reddened skin. Enjoyed the feeling of the heat and the quivering muscles that engulfed him. Enjoyed Maedhros’s agonised sobs and whimpers. He moaned in pleasure and stopped for a moment when he had entered him completely.

“What would your brothers say if they could see you now, Maitimo?”

He slowly pulled out while he spoke only to thrust in brutally again. It made Maedhros scream and tense up deliciously.

“Feanor’s oldest son reduced to a whimpering, sobbing mess.”

Another thrust and another scream.

“Their brother degraded to a fuck toy.”

Maedhros’s screams became strangled, his voice overused. Melkor liked that.

“Maybe you’ll soon find out, when I’ve won the war. And then you can tell them how useless resistance is.”

Melkor quickened his thrusts and the hot tightness as well as Maedhros’s chocked sobs drove him into a blinding orgasm. Melkor waited, leaning heavily on the sobbing elf’s back, until his heart had found back to a normal rhythm before he pulled out. He watched his seed dribble from the widened, sore hole with a pleased smile, then he slid off the bed and gripped Maedhros’s hair. Maedhros’s face was tearstained, his eyes rimmed red.

“You will not fall asleep again when I want to use you, slave”, Melkor said and tugged on his hair.

“No, herdir, I won’t”, Maedhros whimpered, his voice so hoarse that Melkor almost didn’t understand him.

“Now, thank me for taking the time to punish you.”

Maedhros sobbed, fresh tears welling up in his eyes. Humiliation loud in his music. Oh, he enjoyed this so much.

“Thank... thank you, herdir”, Maedhros choked out. “Thank you for punishing me for my misconduct.”

Melkor licked the tears off his cheeks, the salt tasting like satisfaction.

“Good boy.”

He pulled him off the bed by his hair and to his sleeping place, where he shackled him to the wall again.

“I don’t need you for the rest of the day. But when I come home, I expect you to be awake and offer yourself to me like a good little slave. And you want to be a good boy for your men’s sake, don’t you, Maitimo?”

Maedhros sobbed. “Yes, herdir.”

Melkor patted his cheek with a grin and left the room, a spring in his steps. He was always in a good mood after he’d fucked Maedhros.

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