Before the Darkness by chrissystriped

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Chapter Five

“Would it be very rude to ask for a birthday present?”, Mablung asked before lowering his head and nibbling at Glorfindel’s nipple. Glorfindel sucked in his breath.

“What would it be?”

“I want to have sex with you”, Mablung said, turning to the other nipple. “I want to feel you inside me.”

“Valar, Mablung!”, Glorfindel gasped, his hand tightening in his hair. “You sure?”

Mablung nodded. “I want it for my birthday, Glorfindel. I want you to be my first.”

Glorfindel pulled him up and kissed him gently. “Your trust honours me”, he said with husky voice. “And it will be my pleasure. But not today.”

Mablung flinched surprised. “Why?!”

Glorfindel grinned. “You are always in such a hurry... For one thing: We don’t have lubricant. We need oil or some ointment, or I won’t be able to enter you, not without pain at least. And second, I would like to do this in a real bed. Your cave is a wonderful place, but... if you can wait a little, we can find a day when my parents aren’t home, when we can take as much time as we want. I promise the wait will be worth it.”

Mablung smiled down at him. “Then we’ll do it your way. You are the expert. I trust your judgement.”

Glorfindel huffed. “Expert... Come here!”

Mablung squeaked when Glorfindel rolled over him and kissed down his chest, giggling when his tongue dipped into his navel. Glorfindel’s lips closed around his cock and Mablung moaned loudly, his fingers slid into Glorfindel’s open hair. Valar, he could never get enough of him – and Glorfindel seemed to feel like that, too. They couldn’t meet often, but when they did, they made it count.


Glorfindel helped Mablung through the window although he knew that his friend didn’t need the help. He looked more nervous than usual but when Glorfindel kissed him, he laid his arms around his neck and kissed him back. He knew better than to ask if he was sure, he didn’t want to make him angry.

He’d had a very loud argument about the paintings with Ecthelion. His friend just couldn’t understand why Mablung meant so much to him, why he had wanted to wait until he mentioned what they were about to do. The tension between Ecthelion and him pained him he was his best friend, but he wouldn’t give in. He wouldn’t dump this wonderful boy just because his friend was a conceited idiot.

Glorfindel pulled back and caressed Mablung’s cheek with his thumb. “Are you ready for your birthday present?”

Mablung licked his lips nervously, but he nodded.

“Very good.” Glorfindel smiled reassuringly. “Try not to think about anything being different from usual. We simply are together.”

“I’ll try.” Mablung stood on tiptoes and kissed him, his hands slid from his neck over his shoulders to tug at the ties of his shirt.

Glorfindel was relieved, Mablung maybe was nervous, but not so nervous that he didn’t dare to touch him like he always did. That was good, very good. He quickly got rid of their clothes and made themselves comfortable on the bed. Mablung stretched on the mattress with a sigh.

“You are right, that’s much more comfortable than the cave.”

Glorfindel caressed his side and licked his neck, his hand slid lower, between Mablung’s legs. Mablung moved against him, when he touched his cock.

“I want you to remember again, what I said when we did this for the first time: It should feel good, and if it doesn’t something’s wrong.” Glorfindel slid his hand further down until his finger touched Mablung’s entrance. “It’s going to feel strange, when I touch you here, but it shouldn’t hurt. If it does, I want you to tell me. You can always tell me to stop, Mablung. It doesn’t mean to fail, it just means that we have to take more time.”

Mablung nodded, his eyes so full of trust that Glorfindel almost couldn’t look. He kissed his forehead. “Turn around.” Glorfindel pulled him against him, his chest touching Mablung’s back and kissed his neck, caressing him until he relaxed. He bowed over him and reached for the jar on his night table.


Mablung didn’t really know what he had expected – but not this. These paintings... they were a moment in time, they couldn’t show how it really was. Glorfindel pushed his upper leg up until it lay at a right angle to his body and Mablung tensed but then he just caressed his thigh for a while and kissed his neck, his shoulders, every part of skin he could easily reach, his greasy fingertip rubbed him between the buttocks. Only when Mablung’s muscles relaxed again did he slide his finger in a little.

The feeling of it wasn’t really unpleasant just... strange. And that was, what he told his friend, when he asked. Glorfindel moved his finger back and forth for a while, while he continued to kiss and nibble at his skin. Mablung moaned softly, it felt good. Glorfindel inserted a second finger and Mablung’s muscles trembled around the foreign objects inside him. He wondered how Glorfindel’s cock should ever fit in there. That couldn’t possibly work, could it?

“Shh”, Glorfindel whispered into his ear. “Don’t think, just feel.” He nibbled at his earlobe. “Take a deep breath.”

Mablung realised that his breath had quickened and tried to calm down.

“Do you want me to stop?”, he asked. He had pulled his fingers out and wrapped his hand around Mablung’s cock, stroking him slowly. His tongue licked along the rim of Mablung’s ear.

“No, don’t stop. It doesn’t hurt”, he answered softly. “It’s just so... so different.”

If he had still worried about how he sounded in Glorfindel’s presence, he would had cringed now. But that was the best he managed. Different from everything he’d ever felt. Glorfindel smiled against his skin.

“Good different or bad different?”

“I... don’t know yet.” Mablung turned his head a little so he could look at him. “Do it again, maybe I can tell you then.”

Glorfindel laughed. “Valar, you are incredible.” He continued to stroke his arousal for a while longer before changing his position a little, he almost lay over him now, and slid his fingers between his buttocks again. Mablung concentrated on staying relaxed, to not think too much, he cried out in surprise when Glorfindel did something with his fingers that made his body pulse with pleasure.

“Good different... don’t stop!”, he moaned.

Glorfindel’s lips wandered down his back, his teeth grazing his skin, his fingers continued to rub that spot inside him. Mablung’s body instinctively moved into the touch, his cock throbbing. Glorfindel stroked him with his free hand and Mablung came with a soft scream.


Mablung’s heart beat wildly, his body trembling after this incredible orgasm. Glorfindel pulled him against him and Mablung snuggled into his warm chest.

“And you?”, he mumbled when he felt Glorfindel’s arousal against his thigh.

“Later”, his friend answered and kissed his eye lids, his cheeks, his mouth.

Mablung commented the gentleness with a happy hum. For a while they stayed like this, intertwined, and Mablung dozed off for a short moment before he yanked his head up and rubbing his eyes. Glorfindel watched him attentively.

“But... I thought... Why did you stop?”

Glorfindel smiled. “Did I? Come here.”

Mablung laid his head on Glorfindel’s arm.

“I didn’t tell you before, because I didn’t want to argue about it. I believe you that you want me to take you, but your body isn’t used to it. It needs a little practice. I didn’t expect this to go further today than it did.”

Mablung opened his mouth to protest, but Glorfindel laid his hand on his mouth.

“Don’t be so impatient all the time”, he said gently. “I don’t say that because you are young. I’d tell that everyone who’s never done that before, whether he’s seventeen or seven hundred. Did you like it?”

“Yes”, Mablung said and blushed. “You must have noticed.”

“I did” Glorfindel tapped his nose. “Which means, it was exactly right for today. Little steps, Mablung.”

“But what about you?”, Mablung mumbled embarrassed. Glorfindel hadn’t come. He kissed him gently.

“It aroused me very much to show you how great it can feel to be touched at that spot.” He grinned at him and Mablung smiled back. Yes, that had really been a great feeling. “And you don’t intend to leave yet, do you?”

Mablung’s grin widened. “What are you thinking? I only have to be home in four hours.”

“Well, then. I’m sure we both are going to come a few times more, hm?” Glorfindel winked at him and Mablung gripped his hair to pull him down into a kiss.

“You can count on it.”



Mablung held his breath when Glorfindel entered him.

“Breathe”, Glorfindel said. “Relax.”

He sounded strained and Mablung wondered not for the first time where he took that restraint from to allow him so much time. He took a few deep breaths, relaxed into Glorfindel’s caressing hand and his friend’s cock slid a little further into him. It... burned and he felt how tight he was around Glorfindel’s cock.

He had nicked the jar with ointment when he had left after the first time Glorfindel had had his fingers inside him. Glorfindel had said he needed practice, but if he only got it, when they were together, it would take another hundred years until they could have sex and he wouldn’t wait that long. So he had provided practice for himself. It had taken a while until he found the right position to reach that spot inside him with his own fingers, but then...

Glorfindel had been highly amused when he had addressed his ‘theft’ the next time they saw each other. But even then he hadn’t taken him, had just used his fingers again, two, three... Mablung stifled a moan when Glorfindel thrust slowly into him, he was afraid it would sound as if he were in pain. Glorfindel would stop if he thought he were hurting him, and he didn’t want him to stop. Not now. Glorfindel paused, his hands trembling when he caressed his sides.

“Mablung, my Mablung...” He moaned. “Valar, you feel so tight and hot... so incredibly good.”

Mablung didn’t stifle his moans anymore as Glorfindel wrapped his fingers around his cock and stroked him – as slowly as he thrust into him. Mablung shivered, caught in the pleasure coursing through his body.

“Glorfindel”, he breathed. “Glorfindel...”

Glorfindel kissed the beads of sweat off his neck.

“Is it... is it good like this?”, he gasped. “I’m not hurting you?”

Mablung shook his head. It still burned, but... in a good way.

“Don’t stop. Please, don’t stop!”

Glorfindel’s thrusts became faster and Mablung couldn’t talk anymore, he could just feel and... Mablung came over Glorfindel’s hand. Glorfindel stopped moving as Mablung’s muscles spasmed around him and Mablung thought he could feel him coming inside him.

“Are you okay?”, Glorfindel murmured after a while and nuzzled the damp hair behind his ear.

Mablung laughed softly. “Okay? Are you kidding? I feel fantastic.” He turned around and embraced Glorfindel, buried his face at his chest and wished they could for ever stay like this.

“It was my pleasure.” Glorfindel caressed his back. “And I’m glad to hear that it was yours, too.”

Mablung basked in the aftermath of his orgasm, he felt that he was a little sore but it didn’t hurt. It felt good in a strange way.


If someone had asked Mablung, it could have gone one like this for eternity. Secret meetings in the cave or in Glorfindel’s room when his parents were away. Covert touches and kisses behind columns if they crossed paths in the palace. The mild seasons of Aman changed almost imperceptibly, the years felt endless to Mablung, in a good way. As long as he could be with Glorfindel, time didn’t matter. But the world around them hadn’t stopped and when the Darkness came, nothing was as before.

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