The Book of Short Tales by Lyra

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B2MeM '16 - A bittersweet reunion

Begun and abandoned for the B2MeM 2012 BINGO Bash (Woman of the Silmarillion - G51 - Women who survive). Inspired by GoldSeven's "All the others, gone". Dug out and polished for B2MeM 2016. Also sort of covers the B2MeM 2011 prompt for March 19: "Write a story or create a piece of artwork centred on meetings or reunions."

While preparing for the War of Wrath, Finarfin has the most important meeting of them all.

It had been a long time since the Lady Galadriel had behaved in such an indignified manner. She jumped off her horse and ran across the camp of the host of Valinor without bothering to wash her face, without exchanging her travel-stained, dishevelled clothes for a clean gown and her riding boots for something more becoming, without even combing and re-braiding her hair. Eldar and Maiar looked after her with disapproval, but little astonishment: They had always expected the Noldor in Middle-earth to go to seed.

Galadriel came to a panting halt when she'd found the tent marked by the banner of of the leader of the Noldorin Remnant, took a deep breath, and marched in.
She interrupted an informal meeting of the lords of the Noldor, who stood poring over a map of the likely battlefield. She neither cared nor apologised. The lords politely withdrew when they saw their king rising, eyes shining, map forgotten, to greet the intruder. Galadriel flung herself into her father's arms.
He held her tight, smiling and weeping at the same time. "Artanis!" he said, burying his nose in her hair while she pressed her face against his collar-bone.
"Atto", she said, muffled by fabric and emotion. "I've missed you so much."
"As I've missed you," the king said with a wet smile.

"Atto..." she began, and hesitated. But it had to be done. "I'm the only one left," Galadriel said, still clinging to him.
"I know," her father said, "I know. The others – all gone." Tears came freely. "But you are here..."
"Yes," she said, and drew back so she could see his face, his eyes. "It is so good to see you again."
Another smile. "If only the circumstances were different." He held her by the shoulders, studying her face. "You will fight?"
"I must. I can hardly stand back and leave the dirty work to you alone!“
He frowned unhappily, but accepted her decision: He had observed that trying to stop a stubborn Finwëan always backfired. "Just promise me one thing, Artanis. Don't you die on me as well."

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