A Birthday Morning by chrissystriped

Fanwork Information


Mablung opened his eyes with a happy sigh as he was kissed awake.
“Good morning, love”, Melkor smiled down at him. “And happy birthday.”

Mablung wakes to a tasty birthday present by Melkor.

Major Characters: Original Male Character(s), Melkor

Major Relationships: Melkor/Original Character

Artwork Type: No artwork type listed

Genre: Fluff, Slash


Rating: Adult

Warnings: Sexual Content (Graphic)

This fanwork belongs to the series

Chapters: 1 Word Count: 773
Posted on 1 August 2021 Updated on 11 December 2022

This fanwork is complete.

A Birthday Morning

Read A Birthday Morning

Mablung opened his eyes with a happy sigh as he was kissed awake.

“Good morning, love”, Melkor smiled down at him. “And happy birthday.”

He slipped a ripe, juicy blueberry between his lips and Mablung let the taste wash over his tongue.

“Mmh, thank you, love.” He threw a quick glance at the bowl of berries Melkor had set down beside them. “I’m having a strong déjà-vu”, he said with a smile. “A very lovely one!", he added quickly when Melkor's face became worried.

“Good", Melkor said with a tentative smile, "and today this day will end differently, you won’t have to beg me to hold you tonight.”

Mablung reached up to kiss him again.

“I know”, he said gently. “And as I said, that morning is a lovely memory.”

Melkor caressed his face. “I know you said you didn’t want a present.”

“Having you back is the best present.”

Mablung leaned into his touch. It had been barely half a year since Melkor had woken from his sleep in Lórien and he still was happy every morning that he could wake beside him.

“Yes, well, if you say so.” Melkor blushed. “But I know how much you love wild berries. The strawberries are from Laiglas, by the way, I got the others from the market.”

“Thank you, it’s a lovely idea.”

Mablung gave the bowl and expectant look and Melkor held a strawberry to his lips, kissing him to share the taste. Mablung moaned softly as Melkor fed more berries to him, his free hand slowly caressing his body. His return was still so new that it felt like a miracle to Mablung. It was so good to have him back. He reached up, to slide his hand over Melkor’s back, consciously reminding himself that he could now, when for most of their time together, he hadn’t been allowed to touch his Master — or Melkor had shied away from every touch in fear.

“I love you”, he said, swallowing a raspberry and kissing Melkor slowly. The elation, the thrill, of being finally able to say it fanning his arousal.

“Mmh”, Melkor brought their groins together, moaning into Mablung’s mouth. “I love you, too. Let me make love to you, worship you”, he whispered against his skin, slowly kissing down Mablung’s chest. “Let me make things right.”

Mablung carded his hands through Melkors jet-back hair.

“Things are right”, he said with a smile. “We are together.”

Melkor looked up to him, love shining in his eyes. “You know what I mean. Let me do better than I did before.”

Mablung kissed his forehead, rubbing his neck. He didn’t want Melkor to feel guilty, but he didn’t want to argue on this beautiful morning, either.

“Make love to me”, he said softly, “because you want to, not as an apology.”

Melkor nodded with a serious face. “I’m sorry. I didn’t want to kill the mood.”

“You didn’t. Not for me.” Mablung smiled and moved his hips up to rub his arousal against Melkor’s thigh.


Melkor kissed him and Mablung let himself relax into Melkor’s gentle touches. They both had their troubles, Melkor feeling guilty about their past and Mablung still having to remind himself sometimes, that Melkor wasn’t Morgoth anymore and he not his slave, but they’d work through them step by step. They’d both get better with time, he firmly believed that.

Melkor’s breath ghosted over his cock and Mablung shuddered, moaning loudly when kisses were peppered over the sensitive skin. For the next minutes every thought fled him as Melkor made good on his promise to worship him, pleasure building up, filling him completely. As he came, he could feel Melkor’s soul entwined with his, as distinctly as he could only feel it during sex.

Afterwards they lay together, limbs entwined, sweat drying on their skin. Mablung was glad he’d taken Thranduil up on the offer of a free day, he’d have been very late otherwise.

“This is one of the best birthdays I’ve had”, he said reaching for a stray strawberry left in the bowl and pushing it between Melkor’s lips. “Thank you.”

Melkor smiled happily. “My pleasure, love. I hope I’ll be able to be with you through more happy birthdays.”

“You will”, Mablung said firmly. “I know you will. We are together now and that’s not going to change.”

He had to believe that to be true. He would not let anyone take Melkor away from him again.


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