First Times by chrissystriped

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Chapter Two

Sinthoras sat on the bed, naked to the waist, his arms crossed on his back. Galathil sat behind him, wrapping the rope around his chest in concentrated silence. They had practiced it a few times and Sinthoras stayed silent while he was being tied up, he’d only say something if he caught him making a mistake.

Galathil’s fingers were cool on his skin, he felt him tremble, today they would go further – if Galathil wanted to. Sinthoras wasn’t sure about that, he had told him again, before, that he hadn’t to force himself to do something he didn’t really want. Still, the oil stood on the nightstand and if Galathil wanted... Sinthoras’s cock strained against his trousers. Oh, he hoped Galathil would get him out of his last piece of clothing soon.

“Is it okay like this?” Galathil tightened the last knot and crawled around him. Sinthoras flexed his muscles, tugging at his bonds, the rope rubbing against his skin. “Yes.” Sinthoras smiled at him and leaned back into the cushion when Galathil pushed against his chest. For a moment he let his hand rest over his heart, then he slid it to one of his nipples and Sinthoras made a pleased sound. Eru... how much he had wished for this – had barely dared to think of it. He forced himself to lie still, he didn’t want to frighten Galathil off.

The elf kissed up his neck, slowly exploring and looked deeply into his eyes, his fingers still played with his nipples. “You like this?” Sinthoras nodded, humming a Yes. Galathil beamed at him. “Me, too.” “That makes me glad.” Sinthoras gasped when Galathil’s hand caressed his cock through the fabric of his trousers. There was a mischievous glint in Galathil’s eyes he had rarely seen before. “Really? Do you want me to take a closer look at this?” “Please”, Sinthoras whispered. Galathil was so different all of a sudden, this quiet nervousness, he almost always felt from him when they kissed or touched each other, was gone.


Galathil opened Sinthoras’s trousers and reached inside. For a moment he just held his cock, not taking it out, just touching, feeling his hardness. It was strange to be able to touch him this way and take his time. An aroused cock had always been something threatening to him. When he had been a slave, it had meant being forced to his knees and fucked – and it had hurt so much, often. Sinthoras, he had to admit, had always been gentle when he obeyed, but still... He wasn’t Mablung, he had never wanted this.

And later, when he had been a free man again... He had tried to be normal, but he had always felt pushed by the men he had been with. They hadn’t given him the time he would have needed. They hadn’t understood him. Sinthoras... he of all people understood him. And because he was bound, Galathil could take his time, as much as he wanted, and Sinthoras could do nothing about it, even if he wanted. He didn’t feel pressured to do anything now.

His Maia moaned longingly when he pulled his arousal out and caressed the hot, velvety skin. He wasn’t as big as he remembered him. Galathil smiled, better not to tell him that, but for him it was a relief, in his memory he had been so huge. He traced the prominent veins with a finger and felt the pulsing of the blood under the skin. Sinthoras made a whimpering sound when he slid the foreskin back, the head dark and wet.

Galathil licked his lips. He knew how he would taste, salty and... like sex. Galathil bowed down and licked the head quickly, experimentally. He wouldn’t take him far into his mouth. This feeling to not be able to breathe... Galathil pushed the thought away. But this... the way Sinthoras’s muscles had tensed at his lick and the little sounds he had made... he liked that. And he liked the strange hard-soft texture. He licked it again, before gently closing his lips around the head.

He swirled his tongue around the groove that ran around it, pushed the tip of his tongue into the slit – allowed himself to explore and to listen to Sinthoras’s reactions. The way his breath itched when he moved his tongue in a certain way, his moans... yes, this was nice. “Galathil!” Sinthoras’s breath was rugged. “If you don’t stop... I’m close.” Galathil's heartbeat sped up, he let him slip from his mouth, grateful for his warning, he didn’t want him to come into his mouth, but he continued to stroke him.

Only now did he become aware of how little Sinthoras was moving. His arms were tied, but he could have thrust into his mouth – he was holding back for him. “I love you”, he whispered and tightened his grip a little. “You are so good for me.” Sinthoras came with a loud moan. Galathil blinked at his wet hand for a moment before wiping it on the blanket.

“I love you, too”, Sinthoras answered a little breathlessly and smiled at him with half closed eyes. “You could have made me lick you clean.” Galathil shook his head fiercely. “I don’t do something like that.” Galathil decided that he felt secure enough now to undress, too. Sinthoras wouldn’t see him naked for the first time (not nearly, but Galathil liked to separate things like this from their first... relationship), but it was the first time that he was aroused.

He head felt his cock react the moment he had started to tie Sinthoras’s arms on his back. It felt so good to take control and he would have never thought that the Maia would give him this. Galathil didn’t make the mistake to think that his friend was helpless – he was a Maia, he was never helpless – but that he allowed him to make the decisions for them meant so incredibly much to him.

And that was why he had been able to make him come without panicking and why he didn’t feel helpless now that he was naked and so obviously aroused. He shivered at the thought that he could do whatever he wanted. “And you really allow me to fuck you?” That had been the most surprising thing for him. Sinthoras was a Maia, after all, why would he put up with this from an elf.

Sinthoras had frowned, when he had said that the first time, gently taking his hand between his own. “It isn’t a sacrifice, Galathil, I’ll like it. And sex has nothing to do with hierarchy – even if I’d think myself above you, which I don’t – but I’m not really surprised that you think that way.”

“I don’t ‘allow’ it, sweetheart, I long for it – if you want”, he said now. “Oh, I want.” Galathil rubbed his hard cock against Sinthoras’s thigh and gave him a long, passionate kiss. “How do you want me?”, Sinthoras asked with husky voice. A quick glance told Galathil that he was well on the way to get hard again. Galathil enjoyed how his muscles trembled when he caressed his belly.

“I want to be able to look at your face”, he said and knelt between Sinthoras’s legs. “You can rest your legs on my shoulders.” He realised that he sounded like he was ordering him and added: “Please.” He liked to have control of this, but he didn’t want to order. Sinthoras tried to suppress a grin and failed. “It’s fine, sweetheart, you can tell me what to do.”

Galathil blushed. “Okay. How long has it been?”, Galathil asked while pulling the stopper from the flask. His eyes didn’t leave Sinthoras’s. “I haven’t been with anyone since you made me the gift of allowing me in your life again.” Galathil had never wondered if Sinthoras searched somewhere else for the pleasure he didn’t get from him, but that he hadn’t... that he was faithful, felt so good.

“Thank you”, he whispered and kissed him again as he started to rub Sinthoras’s entrance with an oily finger. He had never done this before, but he had been on the other side often enough to know that he would take his time. As long as it would take to be sure that he wouldn’t hurt Sinthoras. Sinthoras moaned when he slid in the first finger and pushed against him. He was warm and so tight. If he hadn’t known better, Galathil wouldn’t have believed that his cock would fit in there.

He added a second finger and searched for the spot he knew was there. Sinthoras gasped when he found it, his head thrown back, and Galathil bowed over him to lick his exposed neck and kiss him. “You are so beautiful”, he breathed between kisses. “So gorgeous.” Sinthoras moaned into his mouth when he rubbed the spot again. Galathil realised that it was easier now to move his fingers and that a third one fit easily – and that was a good thing, his arousal was throbbing.

Galathil wrapped his free hand around himself to give himself a little relief. Valar, it felt so good to do this. “More”, Sinthoras moaned, he was hard again, too. “Galathil, please... need you...” ‘You are so beautiful’, Galathil thought again as he took in the sight before him. The red hair fanned out around his head, lips red and swollen from kissing, skin flushed and gleaming with sweat.

For a moment he wondered what Sinthoras would say if he told him now that they had to stop. Surely he would be appalled, but Galathil was sure that he wouldn’t try to talk him into something he didn’t want – and he loved him for it. Fortunately for them both he didn’t want to stop. He pulled his fingers out and coated his cock with oil before positioning himself.

“Tell me if it hurts, yes?”, he asked. He didn’t want Sinthoras to feel like he had so often afterwards, but his beloved only gave a sobbing laugh. “You won’t hurt me, Galathil. Take me, please! You are driving me mad.” Galathil kissed the tears from the corners of his eyes. Maybe they would have worried him, but he was sure that he wasn’t crying with fear.

Galathil groaned when he slowly pushed inside. Valar! It wasn’t surprising that everyone wanted to do this. Sinthoras’s muscles enveloped him hot and tight and... what a glorious feeling. He had wanted to go slow, but his body took control now, his thrusts quick and deep. He’d have liked to last longer, but the pleasure was so intense that he came after a few thrusts. His muscles jerked, a lightning bolt shot up his spine.

He slumped on Sinthoras, trembling and gasping for air, unable to move. “Sounds like you had a fantastic time”, he heard Sinthoras’s voice rumble under his ear, amusement in his voice. “But please don’t fall asleep just now.” Galathil giggled self-consciously, collected himself and slid off his beloved.

Sinthoras was still hard and so he wrapped his hand around his cock again, stroking him until he came a second time. “Do you want me to untie you now?”, he asked, noticing weariness closing in. He didn’t want to fall asleep and leave Sinthoras bound all night. “That would be nice.” Sinthoras sounded a little sleepy himself, but he wiggled around so Galathil could reach the knots.


Sinthoras rubbed his wrists, there were red lines on his chest, where the rope had dug into his skin. Galathil traced the marks. “I’m sorry.” Sinthoras shook his head. “It doesn’t hurt, it will soon go away.” The rope made a thumping sound when Galathil let it fall to the floor beside the bed. It hadn’t escaped Sinthoras that he had rolled it up neatly.

“Did you like it at least a little?”, Galathil asked shyly and Sinthoras laughed before checking himself and kissing Galathil’s nose. “Sorry, I’m not laughing at you. ‘A little?’ You might have noticed that I came twice. It was great, Galathil, and if you had as much fun with this as I think, I vote for repeating this soon.” Sinthoras’s heart sang when Galathil gave him a radiant smile. “Very soon”, the elf confirmed and snuggled into him. “Would you hold me... love?”

Sinthoras embraced him and kissed his hair, tears in his eyes. “Always”, he whispered, his voice husky with emotion. “Always and as long as you want, sweetheart.” Galathil made a contented sound and soon slid into sleep. For the first time since Angband, Sinthoras held him in his arms while he slept.

He didn’t know what the next morning would bring – and he prayed that it wouldn’t be a panicked Galathil – but he knew that they had made a big step forward today. It wasn’t only the sex, or the embrace, Galathil had never called him ‘love’ before. He was happy, happy for himself and for Galathil, who’s sleepy music felt so very content. Maybe the elf’s scars would never heal completely, but today it felt like they could, given time. And Sinthoras would give him all the time he needed.

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