Once upon Amon Hen... by Rhapsody

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Fanwork Notes

Written for moetushie at the yet hope remains; a Lord of the Rings comment ficathon. Moetushie requested: First Age/Third Age - Maglor + any LOTR character - Maglor meets one of the Fellowship. This is the polished version.

Betad by Wenont, polished by me. All mistakes that remain are mine.

Fanwork Information


As the Fellowship reach the shores of Amon Hen and Boromir makes a fatal mistake, Frodo flees from this man and races towards the ruins where he will encounter a stranger. 

Major Characters: Maglor

Major Relationships:

Genre: Drama, Fixed-Length Ficlet

Challenges: Gift of a Story

Rating: Teens


This fanwork belongs to the series

Chapters: 1 Word Count: 710
Posted on 4 December 2011 Updated on 4 December 2011

This fanwork is complete.

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