The Sea-hills
Elrond and Celebrían decide where they will build their new home in Valinor. Drabble. Rated General.
Thanks to Elleth for the beta. (This is the last “Sparks” story, but there is one more story in the ‘verse.)
Elrond leaned against Celebrían and looked over the ocean. She wrapped an arm around his waist and said, “This would be a wonderful place to build our House.”
Elrond kissed the side of her head, picturing it in his mind's eye. As much as he'd loved Imladris and liked their house on Tol Eressëa, now that the Exiles were permitted to move into Valinor proper, it would be wonderful to have space to sprawl as they never had been able to. The hills, the ocean, the sea breeze, the fertile farmland-- yes, she was right. This would become their home.
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