Finrod: 30-Day Character Study - Study Days by cuarthol

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11. Drop Everything and Read, Part Two.

Drop Everything and Read, Part Two. Take at least a half-hour to read meta and scholarship written about your character. If you are working on a rare character about whom little has been written, you may substitute reading about a group of characters to whom your character belongs (e.g., Dwarves, female characters, commonfolk, craftspeople, etc.)

In part because I do find it difficult to ascribe negative motivations to Finrod, I went looking for some more critical meta takes on him to mull over, but also because they are important points of view not considered often enough.

Finrod, the Edain, and Mighty Whitey by tumblr user avarindigenous

Hearkening to the Other: Athrabeth Finrod ah Andreth by Cami D. Agan, Professor of Language and Literature, Oklahoma Christian University

These are, of course, points of view, not objective facts.  And I think it’s important that we can appreciate varied points of view and let them inform our greater understanding without necessarily adopting another’s point of view as our own, or needing to vocally disagree with someone else’s point of view.  There is ‘wisdom’ in merely seeking out and exposing ourselves to various viewpoints, especially from those who have less in common with us.

I also read
Finrod Felagund by oshun, pandemonium_213
To reground myself in canon.  It’s easy to stray too far into headcanons when getting this deep into a character, it’s nice to come back home, as it were.

Nothing else to add in the way of commentary today.

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