Finrod: 30-Day Character Study - Study Days by cuarthol

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12. Down Memory Lane, Part Two.

Down Memory Lane, Part Two. Think about the rites of passage your character went through. These can be mundane things like learning to walk, their first kiss, or taking an exam; formal ceremonies like a coming-of-age ritual, graduation or wedding; or life-changing events. Which steps did your character take on the way to who they are?

There’s no end to rites of passage or life-altering events for Finrod.  His entire life was life-altering events.  But I decided to focus on two - one canon, the other post-canon.

The day Finrod became a big brother

It was the first time he felt as if he was responsible for another person.  This was his new little brother - tiny and perfect.  He’d need help doing so many things, and Finrod was eager to be there for him.

He made all sorts of beautiful promises to that golden-haired bundle, that he’d always protect him and teach him everything he knew, and they'd do so many things together.

He crossed the ice as much for the sake of his siblings as his own desire to go.  How could he leave them to face that fate alone?  He was the eldest, it was his responsibility, and he needed to protect them.

But he had failed.  He had failed as their king, but worst of all he had failed as their brother.  

The day Finrod became a father

He knew he could not protect this tiny, perfect bundle from life - but at least he knew (he hoped he knew) this life was better than what it might have been elsewhere.  The pain that his brothers had suffered would not touch his child.  He dared not promise, but he dared to believe it.  

He would teach and guide, and protect as much as he could; but he would also urge and encourage: the stars were unreachable but reach for them anyway!  The lights will go out sometimes, so embrace darkness.

With the wisdom he had gained in Beleriand he hoped he would be worthy of the name “father.”


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