Mousetrap by cuarthol

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Fanwork Notes

​Inspired by the prompt:

A Fat Dormouse
Description: A full color sketch of a fat dormouse, who despite the name is not much wider than the nut he’s holding.
Image Credit: Biodiversity Heritage Library

A full color sketch of a fat dormouse, who despite the name is not much wider than the nut he’s holding. Image Credit: Biodiversity Heritage Library

Fanwork Information


A little thief is caught red-handed in an unexpected encounter.


Major Characters: Original Character(s)

Major Relationships:

Genre: General

Challenges: Jubilee, Naturalist's Guide to Middle-earth

Rating: General


Chapters: 1 Word Count: 370
Posted on 13 January 2023 Updated on 13 January 2023

This fanwork is complete.


Read Mousetrap

Tiny toes splayed apart as the mouse stretched, a wide yawn soon following.  With whiskered nose twitching and sniffing, it ventured out of the little hollow it had found among the many interesting things.

There were bits of fluff that would make a fine nest, and bags of seeds into which it had already nibbled.  Here and there it poked, looking for more unexpected delights, stopping occasionally to listen and sniff the air for danger.

There was a bit of sticky tree resin that smelled sweet but was difficult to nibble, but soon it had found a jar of honey!  The mouse was just beginning to work its way past the cloth cover when it was suddenly caught up in the great paw of a beast and lifted into the air to stare into two bright grey eyes.

“Well now, little one, what are you up to?” the beast asked.

“Do not eat me!” the mouse squeaked.  “I am small and skinny and I’m sure I will taste quite abominable!”

The beast flashed its teeth, gleaming white with sharp incisors.  “I have no intention of eating you, little mouse.  You would be hardly a mouth-full, at any rate, and not worth the effort.”

“Yes - no!  Hardly worth the effort, indeed I am not!”  The mouse’s heart beat rapidly in its chest as it waited to see what the beast would do, but it only lowered it to the forest floor and opened its paw, letting the mouse scamper free.

“Here,” it said, and poured a small pile of nuts on the ground nearby.  “A parting gift, but do not let me catch you in our goods again.”

“I would not dream of it!” the mouse said as it sniffed at the nuts.  

Another beast appeared, and this one smelled much more like one who would have no qualms about gobbling down a mouse for a snack.

The mouse was about to flee when the first beast said, “Huan!  Leave it.  Come on.”

The two beasts lumbered away, along - sadly - with the many interesting things that the mouse had been enjoying.  But in the end, the mouse was happy to take the nuts and leave with its life.

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I did not see that coming! What an original idea. The mouse POV reminded me the famous 'talking fox' in LotR. Fits right into the faerie realm. 

Really nice use of POV!

It wasn't all that misleading, really, as it made perfect sense in retrospect, but I was amused how I had allowed myself to  lured towards the wrong conclusion before that final reveal!

Glad the mouse was let go!

Thank you!!  I've never done something quite like this, it was very fun and I'm very glad it worked.

And no, Celegorm was not going to hurt the mouse.  I have been trying to find some sympathetic angle to his character and I've decided that he truly, deeply loves animals.  I mean, someone who bothered to learn all their languages must have been interested in more than just hunting them, so I've decided he just really *enjoys* the fact that he can talk to them!