Before Strife Was Born by oshun
Fanwork Notes
Oops! Put away your calculators and your volumes of The History of Middle-earth. Allow me a little artistic license here and storytelling hyperbole. I was not very careful about the dates, especially in relation to the difference in age between Maedhros and Fingolfin.
Fëanor's oldest sons are closer in age to his brothers than you might think. But in any case, they are all painfully young during the Years of the Trees. For purposes of this story, I have made Fëanor and Fingolfin young adults together. An interesting aside is that Fëanor started having children several years before Elven majority--apparently in a hurry to make a mark and change his world.
Fanwork Information
Summary: Not your typical romance, this is a story about two people who know one another all too well and understand one another not at all and share an almost love/hate relationship replete with passionate conflict and caring. It’s a Years of the Trees story of Fëanor and Fingolfin as very young men, written for Encairion, Ardor in August 2012, to satisfy this particular prompt: “Pairing: Fëanor/Fingolfin. I prefer dark, angsty stories, but can appreciate humor on the side. Whether you give me a pre-darkening of Valinor or a re-born life in Valinor or something from the First Age, it doesn't matter, but I love seeing elves with flaws, so please no utopian, unrealistic worlds." I want to extend the warmest thanks to my super skillful and perceptive Betas Ignoblebard and Lilith Lessfair who so generously combed through it at least a couple of times each. Major Characters: Anairë, Fëanor, Fingolfin, Maedhros, Nerdanel Major Relationships: Genre: Drama, Humor, Romance, Slash/Femslash Challenges: Family Matters, Gift of a Story Rating: Teens Warnings: Incest This fanwork belongs to the series |
Chapters: 2 | Word Count: 4, 299 |
Posted on 6 August 2012 | Updated on 6 August 2012 |
This fanwork is complete. |
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Table of Contents
Fingolfin - Nolofinwë (Quenya)
Fëanor - Fëanáro (Q.)
Finarfin - Arafinwë (Q.)
Maedhros - Nelyafinwë, Russo (Q.)
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