Yávië in Formenos by oshun
Fanwork Notes
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Summary: When he encounters a new harvest worker, a farmer in Formenos is reminded of the great march under starlight across the east of Middle-earth to the shores of the Great Sea. MPTT Harvest Challenge, October 2012; Prompts: waggon, help, young. Beta: Ignoblebard. Major Characters: Fingon, Original Character(s), Sons of Fëanor Major Relationships: Genre: General Challenges: Family Matters, Season of Change Rating: General Warnings: This fanwork belongs to the series |
Chapters: 1 | Word Count: 516 |
Posted on 23 October 2012 | Updated on 23 October 2012 |
This fanwork is complete. |
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The word yávië in Quenya refers to autumn or harvest time; it’s stem is yávë, meaning fruit. In my story verse, a Noldorin settlement at Formenos pre-exists the exile of Fëanor from Valinor. I stole that idea from Dawn Felagund years ago, along with the idea that the family of Fëanor spends summers there over the years and often takes Fingon with them. I also borrowed Fingon's nose from Darth Fingon (I've used that one so much that it feels like my own). Simply to be consistent with my dictionary, I changed waggon to wagon (common American spelling) within my text. The word aicer means sharp one in Quenya. Atto means dad or daddy, also in Quenya. One last thing, for purposes of this story, Finwë is begotten after Cuiviénen. Canon holds no definitive answer to that question.
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