A Promise of the Sun by cuarthol

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Fanwork Notes

Fanwork Information


The roles of youth and age trade places. 

Finduilas may be one of the few among the Eldar of Nargothrond who can understand the changes which age brings to Bëor.

Major Characters: Bëor, Finduilas

Major Relationships: Bëor & Finduilas

Genre: Fluff, General

Challenges: Middle-earth Is Multitudes

Rating: General


Chapters: 1 Word Count: 874
Posted on 26 March 2023 Updated on 26 March 2023

This fanwork is complete.

Comments on A Promise of the Sun

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TT_TT I'm not crying YOU'RE crying! Somehow I had never considered Finduilas might have had a relationship with Beor, but I LOVE what you've created for them here! Her calling him "uncle" and the recollections of her childhood with him--and how she's barely grown up in all that time--is so bittersweet. The care reversal hits hard too and I imagine it must particularly for her, since this isn't something to which Elves are accustomed :( Really sweet, lovely work!

*checks face*... no, you're right, totally me.

Thank you so much, I love bringing together characters who never meet in text but have absolutely no reason why they could not have met, or indeed that it is very likely they *did* and it simply did not rise to noteworthiness of being recorded for history.

The idea of Finduilas seeing Beor as an uncle or grandfather figure - being that he exists in the sort of social "age" group that her great-uncle does - is something that I hold so so so close!  I love the Arafinweans so very much and absolutely everybody connected to them who gets roped in as honorary family members <3

I'm so glad you enjoyed it!!

Oh this is beautiful! Really enjoying your recent offerings exploring old age 🥰. Her calling him Uncle is wonderful. This was very touchingly written, all the little details coming together to convey a sense of love but also melancholy. 

Thank you so much!!  While I'm nowhere near 'elderly' yet I do have a very soft spot for older characters and recognizing just the normal effects of aging.  I'm so glad you liked these two, I imagine it is very hard on Finduilas from one angle to see age in someone she loves so dearly, but it is such a comfort to Bëor that they share these little moments.

I love how you have imagined those two together.

It makes sense that Finduilas has fewer assumptions that would get in the way of understanding Beor in his old age, although it would still be a grief to her.

Damn, this one was also packed with emotions. What a lovely image to have Finduilas and Bëor together like this. The poetry book she read was so beautifully, vividly described, I could almost see the images myself. Beautiful work as usual!