I risk my life to make my name by ohboromir
Fanwork Notes
- In response to a prompt by Anonymous in the silmkinkmeme collection.
Characters up to you, but I’d like to keep the original dynamic of married couple + Gawain character. Some ideas that I like are Feanor/Nerdanel+your choice, Melian/Thingol+Galadriel (or other character in Doriath), mortal/end of their story Beren/Luthien+your choice, but I’d be interested to read any other pairing as well.
Up to you whether there’s an eventual threesome or not, but I do love smutty scenes if you want to add a threesome or an explicit Gawain/Lady or Gawain/Lord scene.
Would love for it to include the mystical vibes of the original and for there to be at least one female character. Bonus points for the Gawain character’s adventures before meeting the Lord and Lady, at least one Maiar or Valar character, or mortal/immortal relationships.
DNW incest or noncon (the Gawain character not expecting kisses from the Lord/Lady is ok as long as it’s written that they’re into it and any sexual acts are consensual)
Fanwork Information
Major Characters: Galadriel, Melian Major Relationships: Galadriel/Melian Challenges: Rating: Adult Warnings: Creator Chooses Not to Warn |
Chapters: 5 | Word Count: 10, 281 |
Posted on 3 March 2023 | Updated on 16 June 2023 |
This fanwork is complete. |
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