Improving Relations by polutropos

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Fanwork Notes

Fanwork Information


Their chieftain, Haleth, is staying with me in Helevorn with a few of her guards (also women). I am not sure what to make of her.

Maglor has some advice for Caranthir on relations with the Haladin.

Major Characters: Caranthir, Maglor

Major Relationships: Caranthir & Maglor

Genre: Fluff, General


Rating: General


Chapters: 1 Word Count: 1, 110
Posted on 22 March 2022 Updated on 21 June 2023

This fanwork is complete.

Chapter 1

Read Chapter 1

To my brother Macalaurë:

I have already sent my report to our brother (and Lord), so you have likely already heard about the battle at the stockade and the arrival of the Haladin, but I thought I would write to you on a less formal note.

How are you faring? I hope you have had opportunity to enjoy some leisure. You already know what I think about the unfair burden Maitimo places on you to help him govern. He ought to ask more of me, or of Tyelko and Curvo. Or Ambarussa! I have not even heard from him in over a year, despite joining a battle on his doorstep. I think he will soon desert us for those strange Laiquendi.

Do send me any new verses of your song, or other poetry. I know you do not believe that I care to read it, but I do, despite being an uninformed critic.

The Haladin continue to recover their strength and many of them are camped about Lake Helevorn now. They are not like the other Edain.

Though they are very determined to provide for themselves, I have nonetheless persuaded them to accept certain provisions and they seem to be thriving. I would like to offer them aid with the construction of a settlement in Thargelion. They are a doughty folk and I think my lands would benefit greatly from their continued presence here, especially if they will accept assistance with their weapons-craft and agricultural practices.

Their chieftain, Haleth, is staying with me in Helevorn with a few of her guards (also women). I am not sure what to make of her. She conducts herself like a queen, though like a warrior also. I have not been able to determine the best way to build relations with her–politically, I mean.

She does not respond well to my offers of assistance and while I respect her pride and determination, it seems foolish for a leader whose people are so in need to refuse aid. But more than simply refusing, she rebuffs me with harsh words. If she were one of the Eldar I would rebuke her for it, but fear not: I have been tolerant thus far given the significant cultural differences between our peoples and the importance of a peaceful alliance.

In any case, I have not yet offended her seriously enough to drive her out, so I suppose matters could be worse between us.

Well, I am not sure what my intent in sending this letter to you has been, but it felt important to share this more detailed account of events, and I did not think Maitimo would have much care or time for it. I hope I have not bored you.

Best regards,


Dear Moryo,

I will be visiting Helevorn in the next month, please have preparations made for my arrival and entreat the mortal chieftain to stay until then; I would like to meet her.

With love,

“She’s in love with you.”

Maglor sat down on his brother’s bed, yanked off his boots, and stretched his feet out. He took a large bite of the creamy cheese and fresh bread that had just been brought in.

As often happened, several expressions came over Caranthir’s face at once: mouth slightly open, deepening red spots on the skin just beside and below his ears, eyes narrowed and brow furrowed. He rocked back on his heels and crossed his arms as if covering his heart would hide the emotions painted across his face.

“That is not amusing.” He looked away.

“I didn’t intend it to be,” Maglor said, “I am only sharing what I observed this evening. Have I ever been wrong about these things?”

“When you are one of the parties involved, yes.”

Fair point, Maglor thought–but he would not allow Caranthir’s jab to distract him.

“Well, I am not involved. She is nearly a stranger to me, and they are the easiest to read.”

“She is not an elf, though, what do you know of the Edain?”

“I have met a few, though mostly I’ve heard things from Findaráto. He was able to read them on first meeting.”

Caranthir huffed and sat down in a chair across the room. “Nevermind. I do not wish to discuss this. I thought you intended to provide me with guidance on building relations–”

“Absolutely, that is exactly what I intend to do. Why do you think I came to Helevorn to see you as quickly as I could? I need to be there for my brother if he is going to fall in love.”

“Macalaurë.” Caranthir shot him a dark glance. “Please stop. You are making my stomach turn with this nonsense.”

“That bad!” Maglor sucked a long breath through his teeth. “I should have gotten here faster. You have been alone too long, I cannot imagine how you’ve endured it.”

“By the rotting fruits of Yavanna, please stop. Your provocations are entirely inappropriate.”

“I would say rather by the ripe fruits of Yavanna.”

Caranthir stood angrily from his chair and marched towards the opposite end of the room, stopping in the corner with his face in his hand. There was a long silence.

“What if you are right?” he mumbled.

Maglor held his breath to avoid making a sound and waited. Caranthir glanced over at him.

“I said, what if you are right?” he repeated more clearly.

Maglor smiled and swung his legs back onto the floor. “I am not sure what you want me to say. Your question seems to answer itself.”

“Fine,” Caranthir said, pacing. “She is very… appealing to me. Much to my surprise. I have never met anyone like her. But she is mortal. She is not like us. It is just a fascination, a curiosity, nothing more.”

“You wanted my help on improving relations, yes?” Caranthir glared at him in answer. “My recommendation is to give her what she wants.”

“I told you, I have already offered her aid, lands… she doesn’t accept it!”

Maglor sighed loudly. “Are you really that obtuse? Or are you trying to amuse me? If so, it is working.”

Caranthir came over and sank down beside him. “You really believe that? Me?” He shook his head. “No, no. If I say something, or do something, and you are wrong–she will declare war on us. Against all the odds. Do not doubt it.”

“Moryo,” Maglor put a reassuring hand on his shoulder, “don’t worry about that. She is the one who is going to do something. You just need to shut up and wait.”

Chapter End Notes

Thanks to cuarthol for the catalyst and beta. 

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