Things You've Done by StarSpray

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Fanwork Notes

Written for the easy set of prompts for the Secret Gate challenge.

Fanwork Information


They sat in silence for a little while, until Maglor finished his cup of water and sighed. “There is something on your mind,” he said. “Out with it.”

To his vague surprise, Elros did not look up. He carefully plucked another flower and added it to his growing chain. “Why did you do it?”

Why did I do what?”

Not—just you. You and—everyone. Why did you come to Sirion?

Major Characters: Elros, Maglor

Major Relationships: Elros & Maglor

Genre: General

Challenges: Secret Gate

Rating: General


Chapters: 1 Word Count: 2, 188
Posted on 8 July 2023 Updated on 8 July 2023

This fanwork is complete.

Comments on Things You've Done

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Beautiful!!! Painful, but so so beautiful!  Elrond being left-handed was a lovely detail. 

He did not say whether they were still watching for someone to come to get them

Oof, but yes, it makes sense.  I really enjoyed the turmoil that Maglor feels about it, as if there really was no 'right' choice, only picking through various bad choices.

The comment that they weren't Amrod and Amras hit very deep.

This whole fic was just so well done!

I love this worn-down Maglor and worn-out Maedhros. And left-handed Elrond! What a lovely touch. And Finwean Elros, frowning. Did he say please? Oh, if it were only that simple. Wonderful world-building and moment-capturing, here. :)

Wow, I really enjoyed reading this story, both about their life as a “kidnap fam”, and the Big Question that had to be asked one day. The writing flowed pleasantly, and I liked the hopeful ending.