The Wind Whispers by NiennaWept
Fanwork Notes
Fanwork Information
Summary: A drabble about the fate of Maglor. Major Characters: Maglor Major Relationships: Genre: Drama, Fixed-Length Ficlet, General, Mystery Challenges: Rating: General Warnings: |
Chapters: 1 | Word Count: 101 |
Posted on 28 July 2023 | Updated on 30 July 2023 |
This fanwork is complete. |
The Wind Whispers
Read The Wind Whispers
The wind whispers here, they say.
Here, on the westernmost point of Middle-earth, where Beleriand embraced it long ago, the wind has a voice of its own. It sings through the rocks and howls at the sea.
And some say that when it is in the right mood, it speaks.
There was once a prince of the Noldor, whose voice was fair and strong. In battle, he raised it to fight the dread armies of Morgoth. In peace, he lowered it to murmur chants of healing. The songs do not say what happened after that.
But the wind whispers here.
Chapter End Notes
I know this is cliché, but this one came to me right as I was on the edge of sleep last night. I hope you enjoy it.
I like that a lot, the music…
I like that a lot, the music of the phrasing, very Maglorian.
Thank you so much for saying…
Thank you so much for saying so!
A gift from Irmo
Lovely; thank you for sharing.
That's very kind, thank you!