Tolkien Fanartics: Interview with Ismene

Tolkien Fanartics: Interview with Ismene

Tolkien artist Ismene's illustrations and character portraits fairly leap off of the screen ... or now the page. Ismene's artwork was recently featured on the cover of the Tolkien Society Seminar proceedings for Tolkien and Diversity. Since Shadow recently reviewed this volume, we hoped that Ismene would chat with us about what it's like to be a self-taught Tolkien fan artist whose work was chosen for the proceedings of the best-attended Tolkien Society Seminar, and she kindly obliged.

In this month's Tolkien Fanartics, Anérea spoke with Ismene about the draw (pardon the pun!) of The Silmarillion as an inspiration of fan art, her creative process, and of course the Tolkien character she would meet in person if given the chance. You can read Anérea's interview with Ismene here.

Posted on 29 July 2023 (updated 2 September 2023) by SWG Moderators

I'm so happy to see this series on fandom artists. I've not previously seen any information on all these artists whose work floats around on Tumblr or pinterest and often enough I can't even find out who the artist is on pieces I like. So, this is wonderful! Congrats to Ismene on having her work grace the cover of the Tolkien and Diversity proceedings! I particularly appreciated seeing the stages of how one of her works takes shape.