Master Swordsmith by oshun

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Fanwork Notes

Fanwork Information


Fëanáro wants to make swords.

Major Characters: Fëanor, Finwë, Nerdanel

Major Relationships:

Genre: General


Rating: General


This fanwork belongs to the series

Chapters: 1 Word Count: 442
Posted on 8 October 2013 Updated on 8 October 2013

This fanwork is complete.

Comments on Master Swordsmith

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Ah, the question of weapons pre-Morgoth in Aman! One of my favorite heresies. :) You know my theory that the Elves had weapons in the Outer Lands, and the art was not lost on the Noldor of Valinor. Although this piece is short, you nonetheless touch on the conflicts and conflicting emotions this might have engendered. I've always seen swords and weapons as potent symbols to them ... but symbols with different meanings to different people. I like that you show this here.

Thanks, Dawn! I suspect, like a lot of elements of my personal canon, I was first caused to think about the weapons question by running across your interpretation in your stories. I have no idea where this ficlet came from, at this time. I think I was wondering how complicit (it would be more passive than active I think) is Finwe in a whole series of things that Feanor becomes obsessed with. I don't think Feanor keeps anything from Finwe.

Recently been thinking that Feanor is at times Finwe's alter ego and at other times pushes Finwe out of a comfort zone, almost like a nagging conscience which he has almost quieted but never entirely. He is definitely an unsettling element for Finwe and also greatly indulged. In the end, Feanor means more to him than his duty, his wife, or his other children. One could do a lot with that.

Weapons in paradise is a big dilemna and interesting to me on so many levels.

Thanks for reading and commenting.