Winterlights by Elleth

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Little Joys

For prompt #11: Snowman. On Helcaraxë, more than the needs of the body matter. (Aredhel/Elenwë).

Even through the screaming wind Írissë hears Elenwë yell, the disconsolate wail of Itaril, Turukáno shouting. When she crests the hard-packed snow that hid them, her heart skips a sluggish beat, and the ice in her veins thaws, a little: No great calamity, but a snowman, toppled and broken.

Elenwë, seeing her come, flings herself into Írissë’s waiting arms. The ice crust of the tear-tracks on her cheeks splinters. “Turukáno forbade her even that little joy, to conserve energy for walking! There is more to us than bodies!”

"Indeed," says Írissë. "Sometimes my brother knows too little of the heart."

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