Winterlights by Elleth
Fanwork Notes
Unless otherwise marked, all drabbles are stand-alones or in loose sequence following others with the same pairing.
Fanwork Information
Summary: A series of femslash drabbles based around the daily prompts of the 2013 Femslash Yuletide project. Some ficlets for the 2014 run have been added. Major Characters: Aerin, Anairë, Aredhel, Arwen, Elemmírë, Elenwë, Findis, Galadriel, Idril, Indis, Lúthien Tinúviel, Melian, Míriel Serindë, Mithrellas, Morwen, Nellas, Nerdanel, Nienor, Nimrodel, Original Character(s), Tar-Míriel, Thuringwethil, Uinen Major Relationships: Genre: Experimental, Fixed-Length Ficlet, General, Slash/Femslash Challenges: Rating: Teens Warnings: Sexual Content (Mild) |
Chapters: 28 | Word Count: 4, 364 |
Posted on 8 December 2013 | Updated on 21 January 2015 |
This fanwork is complete. |
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Table of Contents
For prompt #1: By the fire. Arwen and Gilraen meet on the High Moor.
For prompt #2: First snowfall. Nimrodel and Mithrellas greet the cold season.
For prompt #3: Under the mistletoe. Nellas shows Niënor a token of life in winter.
For prompt #4: Decoration. Tauriel of Mirkwood entertains a visitor from Dorwinion.
For prompt #5: Family dinner. Findis and Elemmírë encounter a problem.
For prompt #6: Holiday sweater. There is some warmth to be found in Araman for Aredhel and Elenwë.
For prompt #7: Blizzard. Aredhel and Elenwë on the northward road, and a terrible premonition.
For prompt #8: Sweets and Treats. Nellas and Niënor share a treat.
For prompt #9: Holiday music. Nimrodel and Mithrellas, and a midwinter celebration.
For prompt #10: Secret Santa. Lúthien seeks to help Galadriel bear the dark of winter.
For prompt #11: Snowman. On Helcaraxë, more than the needs of the body matter. (Aredhel/Elenwë).
For prompt #12: Gift shopping. Anairë and Nerdanel explore Tirion after the Darkening.
For prompt #13: Grinch. Tauriel's visitor knows ways to make a night of guarding more pleasant.
For prompt #14: Holiday traditions. Míriel and Indis recall a festivity from Cuiviénen.
For prompt #15: Baking cookies. Another treat for Nellas and Niënor.
For prompt #16: Christmas lights. Galadriel and Melian spend an afternoon together.
For prompt #17: Homemade gifts. Míriel and Indis re-affirm their bond. (A follow-up to chapter 14).
For prompt #18: Ice. Crossing Helcaraxë is hard on Elenwë.
For prompt #19: Holiday stories. Anairë and Nerdanel make new memories.
For prompt #20: Cozy. Lúthien seeks refuge with Thuringwethil. (Mentions vampirism.)
For prompt #21: Gift wrapping. Although Tauriel's visitor must depart, there is no parting them yet.
For prompt #22: Winter travel. After the storm, Lúthien and Thuringwethil seek shelter. (A follow-up to chapter 20.)
For prompt #23: Candles. Nerdanel makes a candle for Anairë.
For prompt #24: Snowball fight. Aredhel mourns Elenwë. (Character death.)
For prompt #25: New Year. All's well that ends well for Nellas and Niënor.
Ficlets from here on in are for the 2014 run of Femslash Yuletide.
Prompt #1: Trimming the Tree: Aerin visits Morwen and Niënor, bearing both gifts and demands.
Prompt #2: Holiday Traditions: Uinen has saved Tar-Míriel from the Downfall of Númenor, but she insists to return to the site of her erstwhile island once more. AU.
Prompt #3: Chimney: After weaving the holly garland, Morwen, Aerin and Niënor come in from the cold. A continuation of my Day One ficlet.
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