Winterlights by Elleth

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For prompt #18: Ice. Crossing Helcaraxë is hard on Elenwë.

Dragging on across the Ice, Elenwë becomes ever more like Helcaraxë, her skin translucent and blue veins beneath, her face edge-sharp and her teeth glinting when thin lips pull into a would-be smile. Itaril becomes afraid of her and clings to Turukáno, but Írissë, trying to be gentle where she is impetuous, folds Elenwë’s body against hers when they rest, shivering against the relentless cold seeping through them both.

Elenwë ceases shivering eventually, and her eyes at least glow with warmth as she leans into Írissë’s embrace. For the moment it is as though her hold has tamed Helcaraxë itself.

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