Winterlights by Elleth

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For prompt #6: Holiday sweater. There is some warmth to be found in Araman for Aredhel and Elenwë.

A herd of muskoxen die to feed the host of Nolofinwë. Írissë returns first among the hunters, near-invisible in white on white, too tired for triumph. Elenwë rushes at her through the icy gale, all relief at her safety: Araman is almost Cuiviénen again, but hiemal, ice glistening in sharp, far, biting stars. Still they need food, need clothing, well past disgust at raw hides bearing oxen stench. Írissë secures two, for Elenwë and for Itaril, wreathing them in the long furs, and the women sit, foreheads together, while the wind fails to rip away the little warmth between them.

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