Meet me in the Woods by daughterofshadows

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Meet me in the Woods

I really wanted this to be poetry as well, but unfortunately Melian refused to cooperate :(

There was someone in her clearing. How strange. Creatures only rarely found their way past the bounds.

Melian peeked through the leaves, trying to catch a glimpse of her mysterious visitor.

Was that… an elf?

How peculiar! How exciting! She had never seen an elf before! She carefully inched closer.

Could it talk? Maybe it would stay and keep her company in this clearing. Melian circled the Firstborn. It had become tangled up in the web of her spell. That wouldn’t do at all.

She untangled the weave of her magic, using the freed threads to strengthen the barrier around the clearing. The Firstborn looked far too fragile for her liking. There was no end to the dangers outside.

As the last thread ensnaring the elf fell, it opened its eyes, and looked at Melian.

She gasped.

Its eyes were shining with treelight.

Oh no.

Chapter End Notes

The Oh no at the end is because Melian suddenly has these new and strange feelings she doesn't understand just yet (also known as falling in love)

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