Ere the Nightingales cry by Rhapsody
Fanwork Notes
For Solanaceae/Astris for My Slashy Valentine 2014.
Solanaceae requested the following: A femslash story involving any plausible pairing of Silmarillion ladies (I'm partial to Míriel/Indis, Lúthien/Thuringwethil, Aredhel/Elenwë, and Nellas/Niënor, but I really do mean ANY plausible pairing, so whatever you want to write is great!).
Story elements = Basically anything goes for the femslash. Something that takes into account anything political/war-related going on would be great. Fluff, angst, whatever you give me I will love.
Rating up to R.
I am indebted to Ignoblebard who stepped up the plate to edit my story, thank you for your great suggestions and feedback.
Fanwork Information
Summary: After her husband is slain, Melian returns to Valinor and finds that even her home of old has been marred... Major Characters: Estë, Melian, Radagast Major Relationships: Genre: Drama, Slash/Femslash Challenges: Gift of a Story Rating: Teens Warnings: |
Chapters: 1 | Word Count: 4, 812 |
Posted on 23 February 2014 | Updated on 23 February 2014 |
This fanwork is complete. |
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