Ere the Nightingales cry by Rhapsody

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Fanwork Notes

For Solanaceae/Astris for My Slashy Valentine 2014.

Solanaceae requested the following: A femslash story involving any plausible pairing of Silmarillion ladies (I'm partial to Míriel/Indis, Lúthien/Thuringwethil, Aredhel/Elenwë, and Nellas/Niënor, but I really do mean ANY plausible pairing, so whatever you want to write is great!).

Story elements = Basically anything goes for the femslash. Something that takes into account anything political/war-related going on would be great. Fluff, angst, whatever you give me I will love.

Rating up to R.

I am indebted to Ignoblebard who stepped up the plate to edit my story, thank you for your great suggestions and feedback.

Fanwork Information


After her husband is slain, Melian returns to Valinor and finds that even her home of old has been marred...

Major Characters: Estë, Melian, Radagast

Major Relationships:

Genre: Drama, Slash/Femslash

Challenges: Gift of a Story

Rating: Teens


Chapters: 1 Word Count: 4, 812
Posted on 23 February 2014 Updated on 23 February 2014

This fanwork is complete.

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