And With Him Was Elrond by elfscribe

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Fanwork Notes

For MSV 2024: For tabru After the lovely gift you wrote for me in 2022 I’m pleased to return the favor. Hope you enjoy.
Request: Pairing: Elrond/Gil-galad. Story elements: book canon(-ish); early Second Age; realizing they have feelings for each other; humor; hurt/comfort and angst are a bonus!

Ever so many thanks to my wonderful beta, meldis, and partner-in-narrative, Russandol, whose love of Tolkien, understanding of story, sharp eyes, and sensible approach always immensely improve my fics and who always comes through no matter how busy life is. Cheers, Russa!

Fanwork Information


Elrond’s efforts to heal Gil-galad from a vicious attack bring feelings to the surface that can no longer be ignored.

A Gil-galad/Elrond first time fic.
Written for the 2024 My Slashy Valentine.
Prequel to Under the Ragged Thorn.

Major Characters: Elrond, Gil-galad

Major Relationships: Elrond/Gil-galad

Genre: Adventure, Drama, Humor, Hurt/Comfort, Romance, Slash


Rating: Adult

Warnings: Expletive Language, Sexual Content (Moderate), Violence (Moderate)

Chapters: 3 Word Count: 15, 219
Posted on 19 February 2024 Updated on 16 September 2024

This fanwork is complete.

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Table of Contents

Chapter summary: Gil-galad is badly wounded during a hunt; Elrond works feverishly to save him.
Warning: Vicious animal attack. Semi-graphic description of injury.

Chapter summary: Elrond gives into impulse, which threatens to upend the status quo.

Chapter summary: The elves honor the king with a celebration; and Elrond and Gil have that talk.

Comments on And With Him Was Elrond

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It's a great story!

The initial incident  with that.monstrous boar is really dramatic and scary. The medical part feels convincing and speaks to your research. And the OCs are all really good and interesting in their own right, well described.

Elrond and Gil make such a perfect picture of an established couple in Ragged Thorn, but it makes sense that they would not find it easy to get to that stage. I hope they will still get to spend many pleasant hours at that lodge with their Sindarin acquaintances, now they.have taken the plunge, so to speak, in spite of a bit of rather ominous foreboding.

It doesn't feel as if there is anything missing at all, but I am still sorry that there was some world-building you had to cut! I hope it will come in useful somewhere else. 


Hi Himring!  Thanks so much for such a generous comment. It's especially appreciated here on SWG, where we don't tend to comment like we do on AO3.  Very pleased you liked the boar attack scene and noted the research. That always helps establish verisimilitude, and besides, one of the pleasures of writing for me is discovering things I never knew before, which pretty much always happens whenever I delve into something. Here, it was all the medieval and ancient world approaches to wound care (which were often surprisingly sophisticated, but then they had a lot of practice, unfortunately.)  I'm also pleased that the relationship Elrond and Gil had in Ragged Thorn seemed to evolve from this. Since I was using Ragged Thorn "canon" that called for a recently developed relationship in S.A. 1600, I had to figure out how that could have come about after hundreds of years of it being platonic. Not sure I succeeded completely, but it was fun trying.  I really like your vision of some post-fic time spent happily together in the hunting lodge. I envisioned some of that myself, as it'll be a bit before Gil can ride a horse pain-free. Maybe needs a short story -- assuming I can ever write anything short again.  I'm also relieved the story seemed complete, seeing as how I cut nearly an entire chapter in which Gil's counselors, for the sake of the realm, got involved in pushing Gil to do something other than have an affair with Elrond.  I still have all that material.  *strokes chin* Hmmm.  Anyhow, thanks again!

I remember reading this lovely story in the MSV collection when first published. It is still such an atmospheric and sweet look at the two of them, before they manage to declare their feelings. And catch fire. Wonderful characterisations and descriptions. 💜