On the Second Singing by Lferion
Fanwork Notes
Written for the Silmarillion Writer's Guild February 2024 challenge "Meet and Greet". Prompts used are detailed below.
Posted on AO3 here.
Prompts used:
Verse 1: Birdseed for Manwë | Waiting for a Higher Power
Verse 2: Lost in memory | Collecting things | Being delayed | Wrong interpretation
Verse 3: Shooting Star | Making lists | Unusual weather
Verse 4: A Favorite Place | A fresh start
The Remmirath is the constellation modernly known as Orion.
- Fanwork Information
Various thoughts and question about the end of the world, and what part the Elves might play. A drabble poem.
Major Characters:
Major Relationships:
Genre: Experimental, Fixed-Length Ficlet, General, Poetry
Challenges: Meet & Greet
Rating: General
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 130 Posted on 15 March 2024 Updated on 15 March 2024 This fanwork is a work in progress.
On the Second Singing
- Read On the Second Singing
<p>Oh who will birdseed bring<br />
For Manwë, Lord of Air?<br />
Or invocations sing<br />
To Varda, 'gainst despair?<br />
Weep at any spring<br />
For Ulmo's aid and care?</p><p>In memory we hold them<br />
Beneath the Remmirath<br />
Collecting every gem,<br />
Putting off the wrath<br />
That surely must condemn<br />
For straying from the path</p><p>Call forth the shooting-stars<br />
Comets, cosmic dust<br />
They sing their final bars<br />
With hearts yet full of trust<br />
Hope fireflies in jars<br />
Weathering strange gusts</p><p>Lost within the story,<br />
A favored place and fair<br />
Ephemera of glory<br />
Lies light in Aulë's hair<br />
Let Arda start feliciatory<br />
The Second Singing dare.</p>
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