It comes in Threes by cílil

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Various virtues + evil

Eönwë struggles with his nature and purpose.

Eönwë had been fearing the ever-creeping touch of corruption for his entire life.

His lord, in his wisdom and kindness, attempted to teach him how to stay in the One's good graces.

First were the virtues.

Faith in the Allfather must be absolute. Only He possesses supreme power and authority, and no matter which ranks and prestige we hold, we all serve and bow to Him.

Charity is what the Ainur were made for. We create for others, not for our own vain glory. We provide for others, never take for ourselves. We were made to not need what should belong to the Children.

Hope must never be lost. We must never falter in our purpose and see to the completion of the designs of the One above all else, be it our own ambition or despair. He taught us that even from great evil good may, through His grace and mercy, eventually come.

Eönwë wanted nothing more than to do exactly as Manwë had advised, but he had secret doubts. If his true purpose was battle, as he felt deep down, then how was he to serve a kingdom of peace? Was it cruel of his creator to shape him as a warrior only to ask him to deny his nature?

Good thoughts, good words, good deeds. Such was another advice Eönwë had been given when he had asked for direction, and he clung to it like a lifeline. If he couldn't be a perfect, maybe he could at least be decent.

In Valinor, it was easy. In Middle-earth, land of war and death, it was not. Even in the heat of battle, protecting himself and others, Eönwë wondered if killing could ever be good.

He had to, in the end. But the guilt and grief never left him. 

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