Elrond Week 2024

Welcome to Elrond Week, a fandom event dedicated to Elrond Peredhel, a beloved character in the Tolkien legendarium! This event will run from July 10th to July 16th on Tumblr. Any kind of fanwork is welcome, be it art, writing, headcanons, playlists, moodboards, gifs, and whatever else you can think of—get creative and have fun!


  • Be respectful and kind to others. Discrimination, bullying, and harassment will not be condoned.
  • NSFW will not be allowed. Please keep your entries clean and SFW! I won't reblog NSFW works.
  • The prompts are just suggestions - if you don't like some of them, feel free to create something of your own!
  • Tag your entries as #elrondweek and @elrondweek, so I can see and reblog your works!
  • Any kind of medium is welcome (except NSFW works, as mentioned above), so get creative!
  • Have fun!!

The Elrond Week FAQ is here.


Day 1: Childhood and Peace - Sirion, Family, Lifestyle, Elros, Elwing and Earendil

Day 2: Grief and Growth -Sack of Sirion, Maglor and Maedhros, Abandonment, Forgiveness

Day 3: Mortality and Immortality -Lindon, The Choice, Learning, Separation from Elros

Day 4: War and Leadership -Sauron, The Rings of Power, Leadership, Battle, Establishing Imladris

Day 5: Family and Love -Marriage, Fatherhood, Celebrian, Elladan and Elrohir, Arwen, Rivendell

Day 6: Darkness and Loss -Siege of Imladris, The Necromancer, Losing Celebrian

Day 7: Sanctuary and Departure -Third Age, The Hobbit, The One Ring, Legacy, The Undying Lands

Bonus Prompts:

  • Relations with Men vs Elves
  • Artifacts
  • Healing
  • Home