Monty Python and the Athrabeth by cuarthol

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Fanwork Notes

I saw Monty Python and the Holy Grail on the prompt page and was physically incapable of not doing it.

The summary was nicked from some previous fun with the cross-over but the actual text is new for this challenge.

Fanwork Information


Bëor: Halt!  Who goes there?
Finrod:  It is I, Felagund, son of Finarfin of Valinor.  King of Nargothrond, builder of Minas Tirith, sovereign of all Dorthonion!
Bëor: Pull the other one!
Finrod: I am!  And this is my trusty servant, Edrahil.

Major Characters: Andreth, Finrod Felagund, Morwen

Major Relationships:

Genre: Crackfic, Crossover

Challenges: Crossroads of the Fallen King, Funky 70s

Rating: General


Chapters: 1 Word Count: 600
Posted on 15 June 2024 Updated on 16 June 2024

This fanwork is complete.

Monty Python and the Athrabeth

Read Monty Python and the Athrabeth

Finrod: Old man!

Andreth:  Woman!

Finrod: Old Woman, sorry.  Would you tell me of the swift passing of your people?

Andreth:  I'm forty-nine.

Finrod: What?

Andreth:  I'm forty-nine - I'm not old!

Finrod: Well, I can't just call you `Woman'.

Andreth:  Well, you could say `Andreth'.

Finrod: Well, I didn't know you were called `Andreth.'

Andreth:  Well, you didn't bother to find out, did you?

Finrod: I did say sorry about the ‘old man,' but really I meant it in terms of your race and not -

Andreth:  What I object to is you automatically treat me like an inferior!

Finrod: Well, look some Elves might, but...

Andreth:  Oh Elves, eh, very high and mighty.  Calling us ‘children’ and all.  Lording your immortality over us, and them Valar who can’t even deign to show up -

Morwen:  Andreth, there's some lovely cows down here.  Oh - how d'you do?

Finrod: How do you do, good lady.  I am Finrod, king of Dorthonion.  Would you tell me-

Morwen:  King of what?

Finrod: Dorthonion

Morwen:  Where is Dorthonion?

Finrod: Well, it is here.  We're all in Dorthonion and I am your king.

Morwen:  I didn't know we had a king.  I thought we were an fiefdom under the head of our houses.

Andreth:  You're fooling yourself.  We're living in darkness.  An imposed mortality brought on by-

Morwen:  Oh there you go, bringing mortality into it again.

Andreth:  That's what it's all about!  If only people would--

Finrod: Please, please good people.  I am in haste.  What can you tell me of the swift passing of your lives?

Morwen:  You’ve got it wrong, we’re rather long-lived here.

Finrod:  But you die within a hundred years!

Morwen:  That’s ‘cause the Dark Lord.

Finrod: What?

Andreth:  I told you.  We were originally immortal but death was imposed upon us.

Finrod: What?!

Andreth:  Back when we did what is no longer remembered in the darkness we thought we left behind us.

Finrod: No, that can’t be right.

Andreth:  Our very natures marred by the Lord of this World.

Finrod: Be quiet!

Andreth:  By he whom you call Morgoth.

Finrod: Be quiet!  I order you to be quiet!

Morwen:  Order, eh -- who does he think he is?

Finrod: I am your king!

Morwen:  Well, I didn't vote for you.

Finrod: You don't vote for kings.

Morwen:  Well, 'ow did you become king then?

Finrod: Ulmo, Lord of Waters, as I slept beside the fens of Sirion, sent to me in a dream a warning to build a realm to be a place of refuge for when the northern kingdoms fall and are brought to ruin.  That is why I am king.

Andreth:  Listen - strange demigods lying in ponds distributing dreams is no basis for a system of government.  We know you derive your kingship from your immortality, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony.

Finrod: Be quiet!

Andreth:  Look, you can't expect to wield supreme executive power just 'cause some watery tart gave you a wet dream!

Finrod: Shut up!

Andreth:  I mean, if I went around sayin' I was an empress just because some water nymph got me all moist, they’d put me away!

Finrod: Shut up!  Will you shut up!

Andreth:  Ah, now we see the arrogance inherent in the Elves.

Finrod: Shut up!

Andreth:  Oh!  Come and see the arrogance inherent in the Elves! HELP! HELP! I'm being Elfsplained!

Finrod: Bloody mortal!

Andreth:  Oh, what a give away.  Did you here that, did you here that, eh?  That's what I'm on about -- did you see him Elfsplaining me?

Chapter End Notes

I make no apologies.

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Nor should you make any apologies! 🤣

This is hilarious. Better than the originals -- both Monty Python and the Athrabeth. Started cracking up at Finrod talking about why he's king and Andreth's rebuttals were spot on.

This should be required reading for anyone approaching Athrabeth for the first time. Not even kidding.