Heard it Through the Grapevine by Levade

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Fanwork Notes

Somewhere in Aman there's a pub, and this was a conversation that came up there. Okay, so probably not, but this *is* a crackfic and so roll with it, eh? Actually it's the result of getting the prompt word 'karaoke' and thinking of songs people mishear lyrics on all the time. Don't be offended, it's not meant to be taken seriously. ;)

Fanwork Information


Somewhere in Aman there's a pub and from time to time a few musicians like to gather there to 'discuss' human songs. 

Major Characters: Daeron, Ecthelion of the Fountain, Lindir

Major Relationships:

Genre: Humor


Rating: General


Chapters: 1 Word Count: 419
Posted on 11 September 2015 Updated on 11 September 2015

This fanwork is complete.

Chapter 1

Read Chapter 1

"As if the Noldor know anything of music." Daeron fished the olive out of his martini and popped it in his mouth before glowering at his companions. "It was clearly bathroom on the right."

"That's what I heard." Lindir shrugged and motioned to the bar tender for another refill.

Ecthelion continued to stare at the Sindarin bard with mixed emotions before abruptly picking up his Guinness and tossing it back. "Bad moon," he intoned, "on the RISE. It says nothing of a bathroom."

He gave a sour look as another martini was placed before him. "You were holed up in that drafty aerie how long, Ecthelion? Missed a good four centuries worth of songs-"

"Oh, yes, Menegroth was such a wonderful hole in the ground!"

Face turning red, Daeron jumped off his stool and marched to the fantastic machine that played the outrageous music they loved to argue about. "This one. THIS ONE you NEVER get right!"

Lindir snorted and crossed his legs, tossing silver hair over his shoulder. "No one gets that right, honey."

"The singer had marbles in his mouth." Ecthelion nodded as the bartender filled his glass and took it up to carry over to lean on the jukebox. "What is he saying then, Daeron?"

"Maglor himself wouldn't know," Lindir said with a flap of his hand.

"Or care."

"SEE? THAT is the attitude I despise! You Noldor-"

"Oh stuff it." Ecthelion grinned at Daeron used that charming human gesture. Something utterly impossible to do with a bird. "Lindir is not Noldorin and I am only half."

"It's enough to affect your hearing, obviously." Daeron hummed for a moment and then pointed at the machine. "There! He says,..." Blinking, he shook his head. "I have no idea."

"Nor does anyone else." Ecthelion switched the song and arched an eyebrow. "Do you still think it says, "Let's pee in the corner. Let's pee in the spotlight'?"

"These humans simply don't enunciate."

"It's the language."

"What about you." Daeron pointed at Ecthelion. "You believed for years that buggy band was singing about Colitis!"

"Beatles," Lindir warbled and spun on the barstool, silver hair becoming a halo as he spun faster and faster. "Girl with kaleidoscope eeeeeeeeyes."

"He's drunk."

"Wanna put him in the karaoke contest?"

The two musicians grinned and let the question of peeing, bathrooms, and albinos go for the moment. "Hey, Lindir! You like that song, might as well face it you're a dick with a glove-"


"Oh, it is not!"

"Is so!"

Chapter End Notes

Groups referenced in this fic: R.E.M., Nirvana, the Beatles, Robert Palmer and Creedence Clear Water Revival. What? I couldn't make up that last name! XD

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OMG! I am old. I used to know Creedence Clearwater Revival when they lived in San Francisco and made their first hits. And I have heard all of those misinterpreted lyrics before. So funny.

Made me think of one of my current guilty pleasures on Tumblr--reading "Incorrect Shakespeare" quotes.

"the trouble with quotes on the internet is that you can never know if they are genuine." - william shakespeare