Tomber dans les pommes by daughterofshadows
Fanwork Notes
Finally got around to filling my Idiomatic challenge prompt!
The prompt was tomber dans les pommes which translates literally to fall into the apples, but is generally used to mean "to faint", which is the interpretation I went with here.
Warning for feelings of dread and fear. I just don't feel like it should be rated General to be honest.
Fanwork Information
Summary: Celebrimbor fainted. Narvi worries about her friend. Major Characters: Celebrimbor, Narvi Major Relationships: Celebrimbor & Narvi Genre: Challenges: Idiomatic, Jubilee Rating: Teens Warnings: Check Notes for Warnings |
Chapters: 1 | Word Count: 187 |
Posted on 19 January 2025 | Updated on 19 January 2025 |
This fanwork is complete. |
Tomber dans les pommes
I cannot find anything at all about whether Narvi and Annatar were in Eregion at the same time, so this time they are. This is set fairly late in Annatar's "tenure" in Eregion, but I've not assigned a specific date to it.
Read Tomber dans les pommes
Celebrimbor drifts back to consciousness slowly. He is lying on a cot too small for his size in an unfamiliar room. A fire crackles nearby and he can hear hushed voices, though his foggy mind struggles to make sense of the words. Finally someone appears in his field of view.
Narvi frowns, lines of concern etched into her face. “You fainted on me!” she exclaims, distraught. “Do you know how worried I am? What is going on, my friend? This is not like you.”
Guilt pangs Celebrimbor’s chest, but he cannot explain the nagging feeling of wrongness that has crept in around Annatar recently, or the way he has ceded all correspondence with Gil-Galad, because every time he picks up a pen to write to him, a feeling of dread overcomes him, freezing his hands in place, and he does not know why.
Something is deeply, deeply wrong in Eregion, and Celebrimbor only fervently hopes that when the hammer falls, as sure it must, it will fall after Narvi’s death. His friend deserves to spend her last days as happy as she can be.
What a haunting atmosphere…
What a haunting atmosphere in this story! And Celebrimbor is so protective. He senses that something is wrong, but he hopes that Narvi doesn’t need to face it. A chilling ficlet.
Thank you! I feel like…
Thank you! I feel like Celebrimbor tries very hard to protect his friends and he's seeing the writing on the wall with Annatar
I love the foreshadowing…
I love the foreshadowing going on here....and I love Narvi being a lady.
Thank you, I'm glad you like…
Thank you, I'm glad you like it! Fem!Narvi is my favourite Narvi, there can never be enough awesome dwarven women
Poor Celebrimbor is getting…
Poor Celebrimbor is getting sick in worry here.
I like his relationship with Narvi and his feelilngs about the situation they're all in.
He really is. I'm glad you…
He really is. I'm glad you like his and Narvi's relationship and his feelings, I enjoyed writing it!