The Small and Secret Things by Dawn Felagund

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Longing for Light

On the way to Alqualondë, Fëanor thinks on the Silmarils. It has always been my private theory that part of Fëanor's obsessive pursuit came with the association of the theft of the Silmarils with Finwë's murder, almost as though to resolve the first would also resolve the second. This drabble explores this idea.

I awake with a start and try to open my eyes, and they are stretched and aching before I realize, they are open, but it is dark. Endlessly dark.

Nelyo lights a candle, but it is insubstantial. Weak. Not for the first time--nor the last--I think of Them. I think of his iron prison as described in our darkest tales, and I think of Them casting holy light on it from within. Lighting his hideous, hated face.

The sickness in my gut entwines with lingering grief at my father's death, until I can no longer tell them apart.

Chapter End Notes

desideratum dih-sid-uh-RAY-tum; -RAH-, noun;
plural desiderata:

Something desired or considered necessary.

Desideratum is from Latin desideratum, "a thing desired," from desiderare, "to desire."

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