Fewer Words, Without Song by IgnobleBard

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Fanwork Notes

Originally posted as part of the Silmarillion40 event.

Fanwork Information


The story of Beren and Lúthien told as a fairy tale.

Major Characters: Arwen, Beren, Celebrían, Elrond, Huan, Lúthien Tinúviel

Major Relationships:


Challenges: Ancestors

Rating: General

Warnings: Creator Chooses Not to Warn

This fanwork belongs to the series

Chapters: 1 Word Count: 4, 590
Posted on 9 October 2017 Updated on 9 October 2017

This fanwork is complete.


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I love stories within stories and this one is a terrific example of one! OMG! You really appealed to me with this one because I love, love, love the Princess Bride references--one of my favorite movies and so much fun because of how it deals with literary and storytelling conventions. You made it really work for you in this one!

Of course, I love Arwen with Elrond--the spunky little girl who has her father wrapped around her finger. It makes a terrific dynamic. Your stories are always so creative.

It was an honor and a privilege that you let me read over it for you. (You did not really need me at all!)


What a wonderful review! Thanks so much! I love Princess Bride too and tried to channel that a little so I'm glad you caught that when you read it. I thought it would be fun to have Arwen listening to the story of Beren and Luthien as a child since it reads so much like a fairy tale. The fact that it's also her family history is icing on the literary cake. "I love Arwen with Elrond--the spunky little girl who has her father wrapped around her finger." I'm glad that came across too. It was a pleasure to write the family in their happier times. Thank you for the review and the much appreciated beta. You gave me the title and that great quote. This story would be much poorer without your contributions. I know I always say it but it's true, you really are the best!

This should be filmed and added to the LotR movies as an appendix, spin off, or prequel. Really. I was just reading and reading, hoping it would never end (just as I remember watching the FotR with the same feeling). Great story within the story, also an amazing response to the SWG current challenge. Thank you so much for sharing! Awesome read!

Thank you, Himring, I'm so glad you enjoyed this and I appreciate your comments. I thought it would be fun to imagine what Arwen would have been like as a small child with the twins and tales of Elven heroes as her influences. I think they would have made her the strong woman she became.

I really enjoyed this retelling. Arwen's reactions are often this reader's! "There was a prophecy about the dog?"

This line:

"And I promise not to send him on a hopeless quest."

That got me in the heart, even though Aragorn survives. I always love him at the Black Gates, when it seems like he will lose everything, and still does not give up hope.

Thanks for your comments, Lordnelson.  I'm glad you liked the prophecy line. That's the first thing I thought when I read that part of the story. :-) And the quest line was too good to pass up considering future events. The Black Gate scene is one for my favorite Aragorn moments too!