In My End Is My Beginning by Lilith

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Where the Story Ends

Galadriel leaves Eregion.

Written in response to this prompt: Think of something that happened to you today and write down the first thing that comes to mind. Start your fanwork with your character having a similar experience or performing a similar task.

I had to take an unexpected trip.


Chapter Text

As winter slowly loosed its grip upon the land, Galadriel found herself about to undertake a journey she had not anticipated, leaving behind two of those she loved most in the world.. 

“Safe travels,” her husband said. Then he kissed her forehead and her lips before returning to the city gate. Most beloved, he would not travel through the dwarven realm under the mountains.

“May the Valar guide your path,” said her cousin. Loved only a little less or only a little differently, he it was who’d dismissed her from this realm.

“I had not thought it would come to this,” she said to him.

“Nor I,” he answered, “and I am sorry for it. Are you sure you will not stay?’

“I cannot.”

“I have loved you,” he said.

“Not enough,” she answered. “Not as much as ...”

“As much,” he replied. “But I was never allowed to love you as I would have wished.”

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