Fanworks Tagged with Curufin

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Fairest by spookystoy

Yeah, yeah, Celegorm's the fairest of the Sons of Fëanor, but how many times does he need to hear it? Curufin cannot resist tweaking his brother's vanity.

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Lúthien's Tale by clotho123

So what made Lúthien go overboard for an unwashed mortal?  The world's only half-Elf half-Maia gives her side of the story.

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Tales of Middle-Earth by tinni

A set of stories that retell Greek, Indian, Chinese and Japanese myths and legends, not to mention Brother's Grimm fairy tales, in Middle-earth with Tolkien's characters. Current selection include Iadel, The Mighty Singer, Living Stone, Minstrels,  The Woe of a Maiden who loved Legolas, The day the sun didn't rise and Gemini.

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Lack of Privacy by oshun

(Maedhros/Fingon) This was written in response to teasing by IgnobleBard that I had cut out the love scene from the story I wrote him for his birthday and Halloween, Do You Believe in Ghosts? So, here it is, only a slightly belated Christmas present. (Warning: it is not really, unlike the Ghosts story that prompted it, a comic piece.)

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Whispering Winds by tinni

Set after the battle of Unnumbered Tears, the life of Caranthir till his death during the sack of Doriath

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The Last Word by Alassante

Boys will be boys and the middle Feanorian brothers take it a step too far.

2nd place winner of ALEC's (A Long Awaited Contest) September challenge - 'Don't Tell Me, I Don't Want To Know'




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Do You Believe in Ghosts? by oshun

Happy 2008 Halloween Birthday to IgnobleBard, dear friend, generous and stalwart Beta, who loves scary stories. Credit goes to DarthFingon for the prompt from a Calvin and Hobbes cartoon of the same name. Warnings: language you might expect from a house filled with testosterone-challenged males; references to sexual intimacy, both het and slash, but no explicit content.

MEFA 2009, First Place - Humor: Children

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Forsaken Knowledge by Rhapsody

In order to finish one of his greatest achievements, Celebrimbor applies a skill he considered forgotten. Added: long overdue author notes.

 ~ MEFA 2009: Honorable Mention in Genres: Crossover: General

Thank you Robinka!

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The Son of Curufin by Caranthol

Celebrimbor faces a hard choice when his father tries to usurp the crown of Nargothrond.

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Blood and Fire by Wise Queen

Calimon and his father take part in the taking of the Telerin ships at Alqualondë. They have to deal with the kinslaying - and do so in different ways.

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Essecarmë by Dawn Felagund

Curufin, the fifth son of Fëanor, is said to have been his favorite. Why did Maedhros get passed over for this honor? This story looks at Eldarin naming traditions and the family dramas they create. 2008 MEFA nominee.

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A Smile by Aria

"Yet neither bread nor rest would [Orodreth] grant to Celegorm and Curufin within his realm, and he swore that there would be little love between Nargothrond and the Sons of Fëanor thereafter.
‘Let it be so!' Said Celegorm, and there was a light of menace in his eyes; but Curufin smiled [...] In that time Celebrimbor the son of Curufin repudiated the deeds of his father, and remained in Nargothrond."

A study of a father and son, with a momentous decision.



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The Revenge of Curufin's Horse by Moreth

How that 'Song of Parting' made it to the public domain... The Himring Codex version.

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Thicker Than Water by Noliel

Celebrimbor is told of Curufin's death in an accidental moment.

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Prince of a Life of Darkness by Lira_of_Imladris

Neithan, an elf who was abandoned at a young age, has finally left his home of long. When he finds that he is not the son of Dior, his friend is killed and Fëanor’s sons attack his home of Doriath, the darker side of Neithan is revealed and he begins to search for what he wants. But what does he want? R&R

Set in the First Age of Middle-Earth in Beleriand. Title may change but I’m not sure yet

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The Election Farce of Nargothrond: Of Dumbness, Treachery, and Brotherly Love by Dawn Felagund

A satirical look at how an election for the King of Nargothrond might have gone based on current political events. Silly, irreverent, and full of bad metaphors. Updated especially for Fanged Geranium.

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And Then There Was Cake, or Begetting Day Horrors by Klose

A little ficlet in which Maedhros muses on the frivolous affair that is the Begetting Day Celebration. (Warnings for potentially offensive language and bawdy humour, or attempts thereof!)

This was written for Oshun's 2007 birthday, and was originally posted to the SWG LiveJournal community.

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To Forgive by Dawn Felagund

For Rinnor, three fixed-length ficlets about forgiveness among the Noldor: Feanor on forgiving his half-brother, Maedhros on pardoning the mistakes baby brothers make, and Fingolfin on why forgiveness is essential for the Noldor to defeat Morgoth.

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Soft by ford_of_bruinen

Curufin and the love he had for his wife which was crowned with the begetting of Celebrimbor.

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Voices of Despair by ford_of_bruinen

A series of 18 drabbles and 3 double-drabble on the theme despair throughout the first age. Silmarillion and HomE based.



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Many Journeys by Elleth

A gathering place for ficlets of varying length written in response to prompts, prods and as gift ficlets.

New (added January 2018)

Strength of Mountains: Nerdanel and Curufin's wife, through the ages.
Re-Singing: After the Darkening of Valinor, Findis and Elemmírë set out to do their part in the restoration of Valinor.
Sweeter Blessings: As summer nears harvest, Morwen and Aerin dance in the meadows. NSFW.
In Exchange: Whatever happened to the Lady of the Blue Brooch?
An Exercise: Some magic is altogether wordly. NSFW.
A Better Lot: Aerin and Rían change their stories.

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Seven in '07 Character Biographies by Dawn Felagund

In July 2007, the Seven in '07 event honored the House of Fëanor and the inspiration it has given to the Tolkien fandom. Each character's page included a brief biography, archived here for ease of reference. Please see the Table of Contents for a listing of all available characters.

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Target Practice by spookystoy

Archery practice at Nargothrond. Curufin + bow = OTP. Set not long after Curufin's people settle at Finrod's halls.

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Written in the Starlight by Rhapsody

Thus ended Beleg Strongbow, truest of friends, greatest in skill of all that harboured in the woods of Beleriand in the Elder Days, at the hand of him whom he most loved.

Or did he not? What would have happened if, by a slight change of fate, Beleg Strongbow survived?

This story ends here and is not going to be ever continued because my co-author Rhapsody is no longer with us. She died on October the 22nd 2020 and it is when my heart shattered.

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A New Day by oshun

(New: see illustration by Robinka, added as Chapter 12.) This is a sequel to my first tale, (Maitimo and Findekáno), in my cycle of stories recounting the life-long relationship between Fingon and Maedhros. It occurs after the definitive fracture between the Houses of Feanor and Fingolfin and the flight of the Noldor to Middle-earth. Beginning immediately after Fingon’s rescue of Maedhros from the cliffs of Thangorodrim, it tells of how Fingon and Maedhros reunite and together resolve to heal the divisions among the Noldor. (Slash.)

MEFA 2008 First Place, Longer Works: General
MEFA 2007 2nd Place, Elves: Incomplete

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