Instadrabbling Session for Maedhros & Maglor Week
Join us to instadrabble on our Discord server on February 15 using prompts themed around the relationship between Maedhros and Maglor.
A very irreverent and heretical look at the Silmarillion Elves in terms of their "horticultural" potential. Has very strong sexual innuendo and adult language. You have been warned. *Complete!
***Some varieties were updated on Jan 1, 2009 to include my LJ friends' names in their particular muse's entry.
Chibis generated from this site:
The story follows Fingon across Helcaraxe from just before the ships burn at Losgar until the rising of the moon.
A series of 18 drabbles and 3 double-drabble on the theme despair throughout the first age. Silmarillion and HomE based.
A gathering place for ficlets of varying length written in response to prompts, prods and as gift ficlets.
New (added December 2024):
Instadrabbling fics from the SWG server event on February 17, which I never uploaded here, as well as a couple of shorter ficlets from November 2024.