Fanworks Tagged with Elrond

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Salt on His Lips by chrissystriped

Elrond and Ereinion spend an afternoon at the beach and Ereinion makes a involuntary confession.

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Five Gil-Galads Walk Into A Bar by herenortherenearnorfar

The Halls of Mandos are known to be strange but there's no precendent for running into other people who claim to be you.

Gil-Galad meets some other Gil-Galads and reflects on the essence of Gil-Galadness.

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All Living Things by Keiliss

"I’m only lightly armed and it’s just the two of us.” He had barely thought to bring a sword, the valley felt safe even under siege.

Erestor turned to stare at him from the shadow of an ancient oak, his eyes a-glitter in the low light. “You’ve fought wargs and orcs and all sorts of humans,” he pointed out. “And a balrog. You’re an army all wrapped up in one package. Come on.”

Set in Imladris under siege early in the Third Age. More correctly called Eklach's Story, or An Orc's Tale, because that is what it is.

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A Beautiful Poison by Idrils Scribe

The Great Plague sweeps Middle-earth, devastating Gondor. As his kingdom crumbles around him, dying King Telemnar summons the best healer in Middle-earth to his stricken son's mansion. The disease is dreadful, but Elrond soon finds that an even greater danger threatens the Crown Prince.
An Edgar Allan Poe-inspired spooky season special. I'll post a chapter a day until Halloween.

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And we met love along the way by daughterofshadows

Celebrían & Elrond at the beginning of their journey.

It is not love yet, but there are roots for it to grow, and perhaps in time, it will be.

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No Fit Place by Independence1776

Instead of dying, Maedhros is captured by Sauron.

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The Swan-ship by heget

Their Falmari companion tells of the arrival of Eärendil's ship, Vingilot, to Alqualondë.

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Winds of Wrath by StarSpray

But as Eluréd and Elurín made their way south along the sunny coast of Lindon the heat had settled in, like a heavy blanket over the land that even the sea breezes could not abate. It brought with it scattered rain showers, the occasional rumble of thunder, and an oppressive feeling.e

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Day of leisure at the riverside by Aprilertuile

As they reach safer ground, Elrond and Maglor find a river, and decide to stop there for the rest of the day.
A day of peace, and of conversations. Also of conversations strategically avoided.

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Walk and talk under the stars by Aprilertuile

The area being unstable, Maglor and Elrond decide to keep walking during the night.
Conversation happens.

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When the earth shakes by Aprilertuile

When there's an unexpected earthquake announcing that the seas' eating more lands, it's time to move and fast.
So Elrond and Maglor races through the forest to reach safer ground.

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Golden Hour by StarSpray

At their head was Elros’ flagship. His banners were the brightest of all, depicting the white niphredil of Lúthien and the white wings of Tuor’s house and the Star of Eärendil—the largest flag, waving from the highest mast and catching the rays of the sun and gleaming nearly as bright as their father’s star itself, which was just visible against the bright sun in the western sky.

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Conversation with Elrond by Glorified

This story is a prequal to my series 'The Captive'. It explains some of the back story to Elrond's first meeting with the main protagonist in 'The Captive', Ella. It is narrated from Elrond's point of view.

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The wandering of Maglor and Elrond by Aprilertuile

The Lost Road and other writings tell us : "Yet not all the Eldalië were willing to forsake the Hither Lands where they had long suffered and long dwelt; and some lingered many an age in the West and North, and especially in the western isles and in the Land of Leithien. And among these were Maglor, as hath been told; and with him for a while was Elrond Halfelven, who chose, as was granted to him, to be among the Elf-kindred; but Elros his brother chose to abide with Men."

Let's imagine that at some point during the War of Wrath, for safety's sake, Maedhros and Maglor send Elrond and Elros to Gil Galad... That there, Elros would learn to work with men, and would make his place among them...
How then would Elrond find himself back with Maglor for a time? And how long is a time anyway?
This is my answer.

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Start of the journey by Aprilertuile

Ossë brings a warning, Elrond and Maglor need to make a choice. Staying in that cave and risk being found by the Host, or leave.

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The departure by Aprilertuile

After years of living in the war of wrath, Elrond is tired, Elrond in injured in Fëa, Elrond just had to deal with his brother chosing mortality and quite frankly, Elrond had enough and decided to leave.

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The Kinslaying of Sirion and its consequences by Aprilertuile

The kinslaying of Sirion happens. 

Maedhros and Maglor kidnap the twins Elrond and Elros, and this will be their life together. 

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mishaps and headaches by Aprilertuile

Follows the story : Back at Amon Ereb

Elrond and Elros managed some small transformations, but didn't get the desired results.
Maglor doesn't know how to deal with it and might not quite know how to keep track of both twins.
Maedhros gets a headache for his trouble.

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Hands of Fate by UnnamedElement

Less than two days after the Third Kinslaying at Sirion, Elrond bites Maglor, and Maglor and Maedhros have a conversation with no real resolution. But, in the end, there is maybe a road forward.

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The Tale of Gull-galad by Kaylee Arafinwiel

Elrond brings a new friend to a council meeting. His foster-brother the King is somewhat amused. But will everyone be?

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First crush in Amon Ereb by Aprilertuile

A few years after the kinslaying of Sirion, the twins are now 16 and well at the age they start to find people attractive.
Young Elrond seems to have his first crush, Maglor finds it hilarious, Maedhros is utterly horrified by the whole thing and so is Elros, but not for the same reasons.

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Back at Amon Ereb by Aprilertuile

Finally the journey ends, and Maedhros, Maglor, their people and the kidnapped twins arrive in Amon Ereb.

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Leaving Sirion by Aprilertuile

After the Sack of Sirion, the remaining two feanorian brothers are leading their people back to Amon Ereb, taking the twin children of Elwing back with them.

This story follows : The tragedy of Sirion

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The tragedy of Sirion by Aprilertuile

The feanorians attack Sirion.

This story follows oath awakened

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Once Upon A Time And Long Ago by AdmirableMonster

When the twins' fathers finally leave them to go after the Silmarils, Elros and Elrond decide they don't deserve to be orphaned a second time. In the midst of a great storm, though, strange magics are unleashed, and they wake up five hundred years earlier in an unsullied paradise. But dark things are stirring in Valinor, and the twins are told to tread lightly, lest they unweave their very existence.

Can they find a way to save their fathers and return to their own time, or will it all play out the same way and end in fire?

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